Chapter 15

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"Yeah, I'll get right on it Duey. Do not worry, I am Vegas right now. No they do not know where I am, remember you gave me a burner?" click went the phone when Harry shut his phone off. He was not happy being called by a skank while on an extended vacation. His family did not know that he was let go from Lyons-Mackley Incorporated.

Oh how he hated them for letting him go. Now he could not get that extra millions 'Boss' was claiming he wanted. "The three million just wasn't enough to be satisfied with. Greedy Bastard." Wishing he knew who he was silently to himself while having dinner with his family. Oh how he hated them, seething with such hatred for each and every one of them including his kids and wife.

"Harry darling what has your balls all tied up in knots?" Kaitlen asked just shy of being sweet.

"Non of your damn business bitch." he tells her through clinched teeth. God how he could not wait to get the hell out of there and away from them. 

He quietly booked a flight back to New York where he left abruptly and used one of his credit cards. It was denied and he did not understand why it was his company card. He pulled out another, his personal and used it that one worked. He will have to look into his company card when he gets back to New York.

Harry told his wife, kids and rest of his family he had to go back east to work as his "vacation" was over. No they did not know he was fired and that he stole three million dollars from his bosses company to give to skanks. Something they did not need to know now or ever.

"Honey why must you leave you just got here and you have been gone for so long this last time. I'm quite sure that you could work from home? Couldn't you? Please? We have all missed you terribly." Caroline said with a sweet sarcastic tone of voice. Really her thoughts were more "Can't wait for your sorry loser of an ass leaves us for good, you piece of shit."

"Well now honey I didn't know you cared so much." he said coldly. 

He continued to pack his bags thinking "Wished she'd leave so that I could have some privacy to pack all my stuff." He gave her the cold shoulder and made it very uncomfortable in their shared room. He knew that she was not faithful. He did have her followed by a P.I. or so he thought they were P.I.'s.

He called for a loaded his luggage in his car and took off for the airport and left everyone behind without a word, note, hi, bye or kiss my ass.He dumped his car at the Park and Ride garage, boarded his plane and left Vegas for good never to return again. His family will be free from him once and for all as he hated them and did not want anything to do with them. He would make sure he took care of them financially once he got back to New York but not before.

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