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1 year later


"are you done yet?"

it was a sunday and yunho had requested that mingi close up early for some undisclosed reason.

"nearly, babe"

"well hurry!" yunho exclaimed eagerly down the phone.

mingi chuckled to himself at his excitable boyfriend before hanging up the call and proceeding to close up the shop.

any idea what yunho is planning?

mingi had texted san earlier in the day to see if he could shed any light on the cryptic situation.

sorry mingi, no idea 😉

of course san did have an idea - he had been helping yunho plan this for weeks - but there was no way he would spoil the surprise.

when mingi arrived home, he found yunbo in a state reminiscent of a golden retriever, bounding around impatiently.

"hurry, you have to go get changed!" he exclaimed happily.

"where are we going?" the red-head asked with a chuckle.

"to the beach!" yunho replied with a secretive smile.

"oh, sounds good! but..." mingi regarded the other with a knowing look, "why are you being so weird about it?"

"that would be telling!" the boy in question answered smugly.

mingi turned to leave with a laugh, and made his way upstairs to change out of his work apron.

when the two were finally situated inside the car ready to set off, yunho gasped as an apparently great idea crossed his mind. "let's put on that playlist I made you, for old times' sake"

"sure" mingi agreed contentedly as the music began to play, but still none the wiser to what was going on.

arriving at the beach, mingi was immediately reminded of the day that they visited last summer when yunho had told him he loved him.

the weather today was as glorious as it had been back then, the warming sun rays finding the tanned skin of mingi's face as he sighed happily. in fact, he didn't think he had ever been happier in his life.

a year on, and mingi and yunho's relationship was better than ever. the business was doing great and there had been no sight of youngjo since the day of the fire.

mingi felt an elevated sense of total bliss as he glanced over to his boyfriend who smiled softly before taking him by the hand and pulling him in the direction of the forest nearby. immediately he recalled the bench the two had been sat on when yunho had confessed to him, and thus knew exactly where they were headed.

"we can go sit by the ocean soon, I promise" yunho announced as they took a seat.

the beach was pretty quiet today, save a few families that were camped out and the odd dog-walker in the distance. but they were far away from everyone else. they were in their own world.

quite unlike yunho, who would usually cuddle up close to his boyfriend, closing any space between them immediately, the boy sat along the bench with his body positioned to face the other.

"okay, you're scaring me now" mingi warned, only half joking.

yunho took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "mingi..." he began.

"oh my god, you're not breaking up with me are you?" mingi gasped, looking visibly worried as his brows furrowed with concern.

"no! no, of course not, my love" yunho laughed.

"then what is it?"

"mingi... I am so in love with you and I don't ever want to be without you. I want you to be mine forever"

"I want that too" mingi nodded, still clearly oblivious.

"I'm glad" yunho beamed, "so... will... will you marry me?"

mingi's eyes widened and sparkled in the afternoon sun. "wait, are you serious?!"

"completely serious... wait, are you crying?"

honestly, mingi had found himself becoming emotional as soon as yunho had brought them to 'their' bench by the forest. the place held so much meaning for the boy - it signified the first time in his life that mingi had experienced true happiness.

"no," he lied, "I've just got something in my eye"

but yunho didn't reply, instead choosing to kneel before mingi and pull out a little black box from his pocket.

mingi simply couldn't hide his emotion any longer and began to let his tears fall freely now.

"so...?" yunho prompted as he revealed the beautifully engraved ring he had chosen for mingi.

"yes! yes, of course yes!" he cried as he took the box in his own hands. as he peered down at the object inside, he noticed what yunho had had engraved into the metal. it was simply perfect - there etched onto the surface of the ring was a tiny yet detailed sunflower.

"do you like it?" yunho asked as he reclaimed his seat on the bench. he began to chuckle fondly as mingi buried his head in yunho's shoulder and just sobbed.

"I love you, yunho" he sniffled into the sleeve of his fiancé's jacket.

"are you happy?"

mingi looked up while trying to stifle his tears. "I never thought I could be as happy as I am right now"

"and I hope I continue to make you happy for the rest of our lives together"

yunho now embraced mingi and let him rest his head on his chest in contentment. his mind briefly drifted away to his sister, and how overjoyed she would be for him in this moment.

two boys whose paths may have once crossed, but then went in completely opposite directions. but soulmates always find each other in the end, and yunho knew he had found his soulmate in song mingi:

the boy outside the flower shop.

~ helianthus ~


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