Complicatioms {5sos fan fic}

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Starting a new school in a different town is always difficult, but then again when you meet a good looking guy with messy curls with the cutest dimples you will ever see, everything is different ...right?


I heave a great sigh and practically roll out of bed grumbling and school.

'Eva, wake up!" "Yeah I'm up!" I shout back too my mom who's currently waking up my big brother,Jay, "Good, waffles on the table!"

"Yay" I say quietly as I make my way over too the door.

After devouring waffles, strawberries and Nutella (my favorite breakfast of all time.) I get changed into acid washed jeans and a cute black tank top I loosely curl my blonde hair because its my first day and I want too make an impression! I do my makeup which consists of- bb cream, liquid eyeliner, mascara and for the final touch... Cherry me baby lips.

I look insecurely at myself in the mirror and fiddle with my hair waiting for my mom too shout for me... "Eva you are going too be late!" My mom shouts crossly."Okay I'm just coming!" I shout back grabbing my handbag from my bed I run down the stairs until I get too the bottom and see Jay smiling up at me. "ready?" he asks glancing at my bag "ready" I confirm plastering a fake grin on my face, trying way too hard.

Jay walks out with me too his car "Jump in sweet thing" he says jokingly quoting our favourite movie growing up as I open the door and get in.

"Jay? are you nervous?" I ask.

"Of course I am" he laughs "I'm only human!"

"And I cry when I fall down!" I sing along thinking about how we used to sing along together ALL the time.

"Do you know anyone at all?" I ask Jay already knowing his reply "nope!" he says, popping the 'p'.

"But who cares life's a challenge Eva but let's make this school the best school year we can. And lets try, Eva, to become inspirational pro-active young individuals- HOLY CRAP EVA WE ARE SO FREAKING LATE WE NEED TOO MOVE OUR ASSES!"

This sums up Jay entirely.


"Will you take me there?" I ask Calum, (a hot australian boy with black hair and tan skin... too die for) who has been given the role of my guide, "of course!" he grins. I start walking to the right where the receptionists pointed to me for my registration "Eva... Our registration class is this way" he laughs pointing in the complete opposite direction. "Omg but she pointed this way!" I huff Calum just laughs as I pout and leads the way to the classroom we get there in good time and just before I go in Calum stops me

"what the heck are you doing?!" I ask feeling slightly scared for some reason "first of all don't sit over on the right side off the room, sit with me or Abbé, Zoe and Mandy. Secondly Miss Anderson is nice but try and avoid having a long conversation with her, trust me." Calum says taking a deep breath "Umm okay?" I say unsure of what too say or think.

Calum just smiles and opens the door "Sorry Miss if we are late" he calls "I was with Eva" he says grinning encouragingly at me. "Hi" I say giving a little wave "Evangeline Grey?" she asks "Just Eva" I say with a nod.

"Wellcome! if you could pick a seat please I will be back in 10 minutes with your timetable!"

I scan the class, Calum was right in soo not sitting next too those bitches on the right! The left side consists of a group of 3 girls whom all smile brightly at me and Calum who's just sat down with 3 other boys who's faces I can't see. I walk over too the bright eyed girls and smile sheepishly "Umm hey I'm Eva can I sit with you guys?" I ask looking really awkward. One of the Girls with thick brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes grins "Off course you can, I'm Abbé C. And these are my gals!" she and the other girls laugh whilst I sit down smiling. We go round the table introducing each other "I'm Amanda C. but you can call me Mandy everyone dose!" Mandy has light brown hair and grey eyes and has a really punk/grunge style but looks down right fab anyway.

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