Forty four.

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Memories each of those petals hold,
They glimmer under the sun, amber and gold.

One, for the times I ran down that park,
Begging for ice-cream, chasing a lark.

Two, for the times I spent cuddled in bed,
Hugging mommy, snuggling in daddy's chest.

Three, for the times I talked to the pine trees,
Skipping down the fairy path, humming with the breeze.

Four, for the times I used to love school,
I'd ride my whole way in a scooter to the pool.

Five, for the times I played with my friends,
A sleepover, a party, and a game which never ends.

Six, for the times I'd sit down and read,
Wander in my own fantasy, and eventually fall asleep.

Those petals, that once resembled my past,
Where everything was so mystical and so vast.

But now they are slowly fading, they've gone dark,
Them memories dying, I've lost my spark.

Oh how I wish I could go back to the start,
To embrace my loving daffodil, to resuscitate my heart.

i miss the daffodils , the daisys , the dandelions, the meadows, the fields, the lake, the trees, those fairy mushrooms, the school, the park, my bestie, the snow angels, i miss the memories i made, those moments i had.... i miss everything. 😞

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