Forty seven.

50 7 1

It's really frustrating,
when sometimes,
you're so done,
and you don't know why.

Like when they say,
they understand,
and you just know,
you have a high demand.

When you're always,
the person who listens,
to anyone and anybody,
no matter what condition.

When you're the one,
who sees people through,
who gives them hugs,
and holds them tight too.

But when you fall,
no one sees,
they be oblivious,
to your hidden seas.

You wish they'd notice,
You wish they won't ignore,
You wish they'd help you up,
and bring you back to shore.

When you really want someone to talk to, 
But your also don't wanna be a burden.
And you know you've had enough hiding,
But you just be alone and be lonely.😔😓
I wish , i literally wish for too much... I should prolly shut up 🤷‍♀️😂

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