Chapter three

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The next day at school was terrible. Erin had not left her alone about the Carson situation. She had been bugging Leah how much she wanted them to get together and everything like that. Leah had had quite enough of it. For whatever reason it is, she hated that Carson boy and never thought she would like him in any way.
  "Well if you and Carson start dating-" Erin started to bug her.
"Erin. Stop it. You know I don't like him so why do you keep bothering me about it?" Leah says opening up her locker and looking inside.
"Have you seen the way he looks at you? I don't think he even looks at the head cheerleader like that and they were a thing." Erin brags on about how Carson has always had a thing for Leah.
"Erin please stop. I'm not interested in him like that, but if I do become interested then maybe i'll pay you ten bucks." Leah laughs as she starts to walk back to class.
"Only ten!" Erin complains. Leah laughs once more and shakes her head.
"I'll see you in fifth!" She says and walks into her third period class. She sat down in class and waited for Mrs. Evanston to come in. She pulls out her notebook and starts to write down ideas for her and Carson's project. What are we going to do? She thinks to herself. She has four ideas down. Leah shakes her head and takes out the piece of paper. She crumples it up and shoves it in her backpack.
  "You okay Leah?" Carson asks as he sits down. She gasps. He had startled her, she hadn't seen him walk in.
  "Where are all your friends?" She asks and starts to draw doodles in her notebook.
  "They're on their way to Washington." He says pulling out his phone. Leah looks over at him.
  "Why aren't you with them?" She asks confused.
  "I stayed here so we can get started on our project." He says with a small smile. Her eyes widen. He stayed for me..? No. He didn't. He stayed for the project Leah. She shakes her head.
  "O-Oh.." She stutters. She didn't know what to say. For as long as she'd known him for he's never done anything like that..well not for just anyone.
"I- Uhm. You stayed for the project?" Leah asks. He looks at her confused and rubs the back of his neck.
"Well yeah I mean we better get it done sooner or later." He shrugs and pulls out his phone.
The rest of the class went by fine. They sat there in silence doing their work.
"Meet me in the library at six tonight okay?" He says with a wide smirk. Leah rolls her eyes.
"Stop it Carson. Drop the smirk." Leah says packing up her stuff to go into fifth period.
"S-Sorry!" He exclaims. Everyone looks at him and laughs. He's never been the laughstock before.
Maybe Erin is right, maybe he does like me.
She shakes her head and looks down.
"I'll see you in the library for studying that's it." Leah says and picks up her stuff then leaves. Carson chases after her.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He says putting a hand on her shoulder. She nudges him off.
"First i'm fine, Second, ask before you can touch me, Third, I. Will. See. You. Later. To. Study." She puts emphasis and pauses after every word. He looks at her shocked.
"Y-yes." He said and walks to his fourth period class. When Carson got into class he sat down and brought out a piece of paper. He starts writing down the notes in class but then his mind trails off.
Does she hate me or does she just really not like being touched? I don't know why i'm even thinking about that right now. What if I did something wrong? I don't know anything anymore. He could tell he was overthinking, he just didn't know how to stop it. Leah walks into her fourth period class and sits down.
"I shouldn't have been so mean." She mumbles to herself. Class goes by slowly but soon the bell rings and Leah heads home.
  Carson had gotten to the library at 6:30 and had sat there patiently waiting for Leah. As Leah rushes in, he perks up and fixes his posture a little.
  "I overslept i'm so sorry." Leah says putting her books down and sitting in her seat across from Carson. She puts hair behind her ears and looks at Carson. He was staring at her. She clears her throat and waves her hand in his face.
  "Earth to Carson." she says and he snaps out of it.
  "S-sorry, i spaced out." He says clearing his throat and coarsely running his hands through his hair.
  "Well let's get studying!" She says as she stands up and picks up a couple books for Carson. Leah walks back to their table and puts the books in front of Carson.
  "You know the library closes at 9:00...?" Carson had asked. Leah smirks.
  "Better get started than smarty." She giggles lightly and sits across from him, shoving her nose in one of her books. He looks at her for a couple seconds then looks back down at his book. She slowly looks up at Carson and sees him reading the book with his fingers intertwined in his hair. He looks up at her. He gives her a light smile and then looks back down at his book. This game they were playing went on for a couple hours.
  "The library is closing in 45 minutes. I repeat. The library is closing in 45 minutes." The intercom speaks softly and then breaks up and hangs up. Leah starts to pack up and and Carson grabs her wrist.
  "What are you doing?" He asks her. She looks at him and raises an eyebrow.
  "The library is about to close. What're you doing?" She asks. He gives her a sly look and smirks a bit.
"Just wait for it, continue reading, you'll be fine." He says and goes back to reading his book. She blushes extremely and shoves her face back into a book.
"The library is now closing. I repeat. The library is now closing." The intercom hangs up again. Leah looks at Carson.
"Now what?" She asks and he takes her hand.
"Come with me." He says with a smirk and walks to the other side of the library, away from the door.
"Carson the door is the other way." She says looking back at the doors as people leave them. Carson takes her around the corner and and up the stairs then puts his hand over her mouth. The lights flicker off and something clicks on. Small round lights look around the second floor and then turn off. Leah rips Carson's hand off her mouth and starts to speak.
"We have to lea-" He presses his lips against hers quickly not thinking of what else to do to make her be quiet. As Her eyes widen the small round lights move upwards and then back down quickly and she stares at the boy in front of her. She quietly pulls away from him and stares.
"Y-you just kissed me." She whispers and then puts her three fingers over her mouth softly. Going back on what had just happened.
"I'm. Uh," He chuckles quietly, "I didn't know what else to do to make you shut up." He says rubbing the back of his neck softly. She blushes visibly even though it's dark. He smiles softly.
"I'm sorry." He repeats and then takes her hand. He takes her back down the stairs slowly and takes her to one of the big windows.
"I guess you can say I do this a lot." He says as he sits on the windowsill and looks up at the night sky. She had never seen him like this. It was like a whole new side of Carson she had never seen before.
"Do you like the stars too?" She asks sitting across from him and looking up as well. Carson looks at her. Her face lightly glowing from the moonlight. He loved this feeling he got when he saw her like this. Her eyes travel around the white speckled sky. He watched in awe. She was gorgeous in this light. He had never seen her like this. She looks at him and catches him staring at her. She blinks softly and blushes. again. This strange feeling hit her, right in the middle of her chest. She blinks and looks down smiling. The silence between them was nice. It wasn't awkward or weird. It was nice and quite calming to the both of them.
"Would you like a-" Carson starts to speak.
"Hey! What are you doing in here!" A guard screams at them. Leah screeches softly and jumps out of her spot. She takes Carson's hand and starts to run. Carson takes the lead and bursts through the library door. This feeling Leah had was so exhilarating and so new that she started to giggle. When she was nervous she would giggle or stutter. But this giggle was new. Soon Carson started to laugh and chuckle as well. They ran through the hallway of the city hall and out the front doors. They get out and settle on the sidewalk and burst out into laughter.
"That was exhilarating!" She exclaims as she lays her back on the sidewalk and tries to take a deep breath. Carson laughs.
"It was." Carson says and stands up. He groans as he reached up to the sky and then settled again.
"Want a ride home?" He asks Leah. She smiles softly and nods her head. She had had a lot of fun with him. Even though she hated him. He looks at her and smiles and moves his head in the direction of his car.
"C'mon." He says and she starts to follow him to his car.

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