Chapter Seven

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"Leah...I have to tell you something." The boy said staring into her blue eyes. Leah looked down and then back into his eyes. Her heart starts to race and her anxiety kicks in.
  "I've hid it because I didn't want to ruin our friendship but..." A long pause was taken and he takes a deep breath, "I've had feelings for you for so long, and I guess I took a while to tell you because I needed to know how to tell you." He looks at the girl, her mouth was wide open and she looked like she was in shock.
  "Leah i'm so sorry I shouldn't have-" She cuts him off quickly.
  "Carson, I've been in love with you for so long." She says, her cheeks fire up and she looks down. He leans back a little in shock and then looks at her once more. His hand slips onto her chin and he pulls her face to face him.
  "May I?" He asks politely. Leah knew what he was asking but didn't know how to respond. She simply nodded. He smiles softly and leans in slowly,  then kisses Leah.
Leahs eyes open up and she sighs. She wanted that to be real so bad. Suddenly her eyes widen and she slowly moves her hands under the blanket and down to her waist. She feels a pair of warm arms wrapped around her waist and she whimpers.
This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. She repeats to herself as she looks over her shoulder and sees Carson peacefully sleeping. Her face heats up and she slowly turns her head back to staring at his door.
Oh my god..Carson and I fell asleep in the same bed and now his arms are wrapped around my waist. She starts to calm down. She figures out a way to turn around without waking him up. She looked at him carefully. His blonde hair all messed up from sleeping, his lips partially apart, his eyes shut softly. Everything about how he was in this state was so peaceful. She manages to get an arm free and pushes some hair out of his face faintly. He stirs quietly and she stops in her tracks. She didn't want to wake him, because she didn't want this to end just yet. His grip gets a little tighter and she tenses up a little. She didn't know what to do, nor how to react. His eyes gently flutter open and he smiles.
"Good morning." He says and closes his eyes again. Suddenly they open up widely and he quickly takes his arms away from her waist and sits up.
"Oh my god, Leah i'm so sorry." Carson had said. Leah obviously didn't mind and laid there looking up at him.
"It's okay, it was quite comfortable actually." She says still looking at him. He looks down at her and smiles.
"Was it really?" He had asked, and she nodded. Carson looked at the girl confused. Leah laughs and sits up, bringing the blanket up to her waist, bringing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.
  "It was, but I don't like you like that so don't do it again." She lied to him. The two of them laughed and continued to talk while they both got ready for the day.
"Are you driving me to school Carson?" She had asked.
  "No i'm leaving you here and your parents can come get you," He looks at her with a serious face, she looks at him confused and then starts to laugh, "Yes i'm taking you to school Leah." He smiles at her and grabs his keys.
  "Can i borrow that sweatshirt i wore last night? My classes are cold today." Leah asks politely. Carson looks at her and then the sweatshirt. He rubs the back of his neck and closes his eyes smiling.
  "Sure! If you want to." His cheeks were now a light shade of pink, and so were hers. It was obvious the two had liked each other but it was as if he didn't know it. Leah puts the sweatshirt on and they head to the car.
"Wanna get some food or something?" Carson had asked wanting her to say yes. She looks at him as she pushed the seat belt into place.
"Uh sure! I mean why not?" She shrugs her shoulders and smiles brightly.
"You have a very pretty smile." He had blurted out nervously. I shouldn't have said that. She's gonna think i'm weird. She smiles again, feeling the heat in her face. She slightly puts some hair behind her ear and mumbled softly.
"Thanks Carson." She sweetly replied. He smiled and turned the car on, beginning their ride to school.
That day went by quicker than usual. Carson and Leah had barely talked during school but had promised to see each other tonight to study for the project.
"Let's hang out today after school. We haven't in a while." Erin suggested. Leah puts her phone into her back pocket and sucks air through her teeth.
"I have plans Erin, i'm sorry." She had said, with a lot on her mind. Erin was clearly annoyed by this. The girl rolls her eyes at Leah.
"Again? Are you shitting me? This is the third time this week Leah! You've made no time to hang out with me, your best friend!" Around now the two were stopped in the hallway, "I'm sick and tired of this! I try being there for you when you need things and when you've had trouble, and how do i get repaid? Getting ditched. For a fucking boy Leah. Whatever, this is so fucked, so have fun studying with your new best friend Leah, because i'm DONE. Done with you!" She shouted into Leah's face. Leah stood there, shocked, setback and holding her breath. Erin had never yelled at Leah like that. Leah could feel the tears sting the corners of her eyes. She tried blinking them away as she catches her breath. Carson calls her name from down the hallway, and she looks over to find him. Once the two make eye contact Carson smile quickly disappears as he sees the tears starting to fall down Leahs face.
"Excuse me, excuse me." He said pushing past people in the hall. Finally he makes it to Leah and engulfs her in a hug. Soon enough her sobs became audible to the whole hallway.
"Come on, let's go outside." Carson recommended for some space. He escorts the sobbing girl outside and sits down with her.
"What happened?" He had asked, rubbing her back. She tried to speak to him in between her sobs, but she couldn't get a full sentence out. The stress of trying to keep her feelings a secret, and now the stress of losing her best friend over a boy, overcame her all at once.
  "I can't do it anymore Carson. I'm trying to be brave but everyone keeps asking me to stay. I can't. I'm so tired of everything and everyone but you," She starts to ramble, but that had caught Carson's attention. She had emphasized "but you", what was that supposed to mean? He had asked himself. The girl continues to ramble, "I just wanna disappear." She had finished with. He sat there, upset with how she was feeling.
"Leah..I'm so sorry you're going through this." Carson replied. Leah shakes her head softly.
"I don't wanna be at school anymore. Do you wanna sluff fourth with me?" She asked him. He looks at her concerned but he smiles.
"For sure Leah, where do you wanna go." He said and they both walk to his car.

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