4. Get into Slytherin, or else

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Lucius kept his word, despite the dark lord's demise that following October. He allowed Lily and his son to remain close, the two inseparable at times. Lucius spent years training her to answer commands, even going as far to control her mind, sometimes taking her over so completely that she could never remember what it was she had done.

Lily, however, did not mind so much. As long as she stayed with Draco, she was happy, her necklace switching between green and grey on a regular basis. From the outside, their relationship was described to be that of a master and his overly excitable puppy, always nipping at his heels. It was almost true in the way that Lily would nip at strangers who came too close, her protective streak unbreakable.

Lily's immense growth eventually slowed as she reached the age of four, her body finally slowing to accumulate regular human growth. Lucius chalked it up to the fact that many animals grew quickly in their first few years to avoid vulnerability. Draco noticed the change once he reached his tenth birthday. His boasting reaching no end once he realised himself to be a slight bit taller than the girl.

The days Lily and Draco got their Hogwarts letters were ones of great joy in the household. Lucius had wished to send Draco to Durmstrang, but the promises of allowing Lily to go to Hogwarts and remain with Draco meant the two would go together, much to Narcissa's delight.

Lucius stepped up Lily's training, making her to be like a soldier in the face of war, always alert and always on edge. "Slytherin will not accept weak links" became the mantra he would repeat to her any time she messed up, frightening her into thinking she wouldn't be allowed to stay in Slytherin with Draco.

The trip to Diagon alley for school supplies was much like any regular trip to Lily. Draco, however, was excited to buy new things, spending the day with his mother. Lily followed Lucius down to Knockturn alley as usual, and straight into Borgin and Burkes.

Lucius entered the place as if he owned it, striding into the room with his head held high, a sneer upon his lips. "Mr Borgin. You have something I would like to buy."

Mr Borgin watched the duo enter, his eyes fixing on the dragon girl Lucius had no fear of using. "I... I'm afraid Mr Malfoy, that particular object is not for sale."

Lucius' gaze darkened. "I can assure you money is no issue."

Mr Borgin moved around his counter with the intend to shoo the pair away, his bottom lip trembling as he spoke. "I'm sorry, Mr Malfoy. Good day to you."

"Elizabeth." Lucius clicked his fingers, an unspoken order the girl knew how to answer. Quickly she bared her fangs, growling at the man.

The man whimpered and inhaled a shuddering breath as he back around his counter once more. "Mr Malfoy, please- "

Lucius sighed. "Nos." (attack)

Instantly Lily stalked forward, curving around the counter as the man backed into a wall. Her fangs and claws poised to attack.

"Mr Malfoy, little girl. Please....... please." As Lily drew nearer, the man started to shake, his face paling with every beat of his heart as Lily smirked and advanced, her fangs glistening even in the dim light of the shop. "Okay, I'll talk, I'll talk!"

Lucius made a hissing sound, causing Lily to instantly halt.

"It's already been bought. I'll give you the name but please, don't let that thing anywhere near me!" Borgin refused to move until Lily retreated two steps to allow the man space to stand. He led Lucius to a ledger with shaking legs and wordlessly revealed the name of the buyer.

Lucius nodded and hummed quietly before gesturing to the girl. "A pleasure doing business with you Mr Borgin, come Elizabeth." Lily followed, hiding her fangs and retracting her claws as they exited the shop. She bid Mr Borgin a silent farewell with an apologetic nod of her head and a sheepish smile upon her lips.

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