7. Twintastic

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The first day was in no way easy for Lily. After breakfast, which included glares from many sour Slytherins, came her first potions lesson in the dungeons. Lily was instantly hit with a multitude of scents as she walked into the room.

"Hurry up, first years." Came a droning voice that Lily had heard many times before during many "secret" meetings in Malfoy manor. Rounding the corner, she saw a man that she had seen many times before, knowing him already rather well. Lucius having been strict about her being polite to all of his "friends" Severus Snape included.

"Miss Malfoy."

"Severus." Lily said calmly.

"It's professor to you, miss Malfoy."

"it's miss Elizabeth to you, Professor Severus."

The two stared fiercely, the other waiting patiently for any sign of breaking. Snape broke first, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement at the small redhead, her sass reminding him not of her mother, but of another in his life that he had loved. He knew her gaze to be that of a warning which usually resulted in her getting her own way. "Merlin forbid she meet the Weasley twins." he thought to himself.

"Touché miss Elizabeth, please take your seat."

"Thank you Professor Snape, pleasure doing business with you." Lily flashed the man a smile before taking an empty seat.

The lesson was uneventful after the short introduction. Snape's droning about stopping death almost sending the entire room to sleep. Waverly enjoyed it however, her gaze drifting back to the brunette Ravenclaw she had bumped into in the hall before the lesson. The two sharing glances and silent giggles under Snape's hooked nose. His gaze fixed on the Auburn-haired girl in the second row sat next to a rather sullen Penny, her sweets confiscated at the door.

Lunch was also quiet, the sandwiches a welcome sight to the hungry students, many already fumbling over homework assignments. Lily however, had found her nose pummelled by a strange smell she was sure she knew. She could have sworn it had come from the bespectacled Potter, but was too unsure as the strange scent also emitted from the turbaned professor that stuttered his way through life like a constantly shocked jelly.

Lily decided to ignore the smells as best as she could, making sure to leave the hall a slight bit earlier than others in an attempt to be early for Professor McGonagall. Waiting outside a locked door was something Lily was used to, but the feeling of being watched by a statuesque cat on the wall opposite made Lily's head turn.

"You don't smell like a cat." Lily admitted to the patient feline. After a pause the cat gave a courteous nod and Lily understood instantly. In the blink of an eye, the cat became a woman, her pointed hat matching her robes perfectly.

"I'm sure I don't smell like a professor either?" She asked in her Scottish lilt, her brows raised.

Lily shook her head, before taking a small sniff. "You smell like tea and biscuits. So, I'm guessing that's all you had for your lunch?" The corner of McGonagall's lips twitched into a small smirk before she nodded slightly, confirming the girl's suspicion. "You wanted to talk to me?"

"I wanted to apologise for my behaviour last night."


"I am apologising for- "

"No, I know what you said. It's just... no-one's ever apologised to me before, at least not formally like this."

McGonagall paused; her eyes fixed on the girl. "Nearly twelve years and no one has ever said sorry to you?" Lily shook her head slowly, her gaze fixed on the professor's solemn face. "Well, I am sorry, for all that I said. I saw this morning how easily your loyalty had shifted."

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