17. She returns

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Cedric was right about one thing, Lily pulled though, her ears finally ready for her to come back to school. But unlike any other, Lily's ears became overly sensitive, causing the drums to once again rupture at the slightest sound. Recovery for the dragon girl should have been at best a few weeks, but weeks turned to months with every set back and infection.

She was allowed back to the manor for Christmas with her ears stuffed and a charm secured firmly around her head keeping all sound out. Grateful to the staff at St Mungo's for teaching her a little of the muggle's sign language, Lily did her best to communicate with the people around her. Narcissa also taking the time to learn the movements so as to keep the dragon girl included.

Lily, having heard nothing since September, cried profusely when her ears were fully healed enough to the doctors standards. The usually quick healing dragon taking a lot longer than others becoming quite the spectacle for the medical professionals.

She reappeared in January along with the rush of students retuning after the holidays, much to the surprise and happiness of almost the entire school. Waverly was the first to embrace her friend as tears fell down the cheeks of both of the girls. Soon they were joined by the rest of the dorm girls quietly sobbing. Once her friends had pulled away, Cedric was next to hug the dragon girl, pulling her head gently to his chest much to the disdain of Malfoy as he watched the scene. Eventually, Lily was accosted with many students from other houses quietly hugging her and crying, all aware of her situation.

Once back in the dorm the night before classes were set to begin, Waverly finally spoke in something other than a whisper, causing all the girls to snap their heads towards Lily as Waverly stopped herself mid-sentence, slamming her mouth shut. Lily smiled warmly, realising her friends to care more than she thought. "It's okay... I'm okay, go on. Say what you were going to say."

"I was going to ask where Penny left the quill I loaned her last year."

"I gave it back to you, it's in your quill cup." Penny answered, her voice lower than usual as her head tilted towards the shared desk in the room. Waverly turned and gave a quiet "oh" as she realised.

"Everything okay Waverly?" Lily asked, her head tilting. "You counted those three times."

"Waverly has a crush." Hannah sung softly, causing Penny and Susan to snort and chuckle gently.

"No, I don't." Waverly demanded; her mouth agape as she turned to glare at Hannah. "It isn't a crush."

"Oh, come on Waverly, you were staring all last term!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Hey." Lily said softly, causing the girls to realise how loud their voices had gotten. "It's okay to have a crush Waverly, we aren't going to tease you. We just want to be happy and support you." Hannah gestured wildly at Lily as if to say "See!" causing all the girls to chuckle.

Waverly gulped loudly before stammering. "It isn't a crush, that isn't... it's not right."

"Says who?" Penny asked sweetly. Waverly paused; her lips pressed together.

Lily giggled softly. "I'm sorry... But can someone please tell me-"

"I... Nicole Haught, she's so kind and smart and absolutely gorgeous and she has these hands that just-" Waverly blurted.

"The Ravenclaw second year from potions." Susan said to Lily before she could ask the question as Waverly continued.

"-she dyed her hair red for Halloween and I just-" Waverly sighed. "And her eyes... they... I shouldn't." She stopped herself as Lily laughed before getting up to hug the bewildered brunette.

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