𝘃𝗶. 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘆

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chapter eleven 

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chapter eleven 




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THREE OF THE four girls stood outside of Mystic Falls High, staring up at it in a daze, Jordanna on the over hand looked like she wanted to die—genuinely. She didn't think she could hate a building more, but here she was, stood staring up at the school as though she wanted to burn it to smithereens.  

You know what, it sounded like a fuckin' plan!

"Here we are, senior year," Caroline breathed out, a small smile on her face as she stood besides Jordanna, arms linked together. 

Bonnie turned to face the three girls, "anyone think this should feel more-"

"-More nothing. School is shit and makes me want to die," Jordanna huffed, rolling her tired eyes. She was tired, so fucking tired. Who decided it was a good idea to be up at this time in the morning to learn things that she didn't even need in the future. 

"Okay. So prank night was a bust," the bubbly, blonde vampire said, trying to lighten the mood.

"That's the understatement of the fuckin' century. I mean, seriously, did you see those decorations? God, it was terrible," the Jones witch huffed. "It looked like the Easter Bunny had thrown up all over the gym, then the fucking Grinch waltzed on in, ate it and then shit it back out." 

"But we are accepting it, " Caroline stated with a deep sigh, shooting the raven-haired girl a pointed look. "And we are moving on."

The four girls headed towards the entrance just as Bonnie spoke up, "you're right. I mean why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriend hinder this experience?"

"Yes!" Caroline exclaimed, agreeing with the Bennett. "And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day?"

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