𝘅𝘃𝗶𝗶. 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘆

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chapter twenty two

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chapter twenty two




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"WHAT THE FUCK? She just left?" Jordanna asked Caroline through the phone. Klaus had dragged her along with him to New York, telling her that he had found a way to unlink his siblings and herself. Though, Klaus never actually asked the witch to unlink them, but she'd deal with that later, she had a gut feeling that whoever he asked to unlink them—well, he didn't exactly ask.

More or less, he threatened them.


"Yeah," Caroline sighed down the phone. "Bonnie's devastated JJ, she pretends she's okay, but she's not. We need to do something to cheer her up when you get back."

"Yeah, of course" Jordanna hummed, a smirk pulled at her lips as she caught sight of a tall figure sauntering across the busy New York streets. "I've got to go Care, give Bonnie my love."

"I will," Caroline laughed. "Oh! One last thing, Elena and Damon are being weird, and by weird I mean sketchy as Hell, so I'd be careful if I were you, okay?"

"Got it. Thanks Caroline."

The witch sauntered up besides Klaus, the hybrid held his arm out for her to take—which she gladly took in her own, not after shooting the man a weirded look.

"Hello Finn," Klaus spoke with a smirk, earning a sigh of annoyance to come from the other original.

"Hello Niklaus, Jordanna. I have nothing to say to you," the older original replied boredly—brushing past the pair.

"We aren't here to talk, doll," Jordanna smirked, head cocked aside. "Though we'd love to know where witch-bitch is hiding. I just wanna say hi is all," she continued, a teasing smile on her lips. "You know, have a coffee maybe, catch up before she tries to kill me. The usual."

"She has gone to find another way to end our abominable lives," Finn countered harshly, turning to face Klaus and Jordanna. "And when she does I will sacrifice myself all over again."

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