Chapter 32

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'T-the same ability as Diego's?!' Both Johnny thought

"W-well that's an interesting ability" Johnny said to Izuku

"Yea, it's very convenient" Izuku replied calmly

"Well, anyways, what are we supposed to do?" Giorno asks

"Well, as Johnny and I planned, we were going to take you both to training" Gyro answered Giorno

"Oh, we forgot about you, what's your quirk?" Izuku asks

'Y-you forgot about me?' Gyro thought as imaginary tears were coming out of the blonde's eyes.

"My quirk is to spin things at very high speeds, and unlike you guys, I have no stand" Gyro answers Izuku's question

"Oh I see" Giorno says

Giorno and Izuku trains with Johnny and Gyro for the entire week that they could intern with them.

Although, on their last day of their internships, Johnny, Gyro, Giorno, and Izuku go on a trip to the dessert on the search for a villain hideout

As the 4 friends walk along the dessert, Giorno trips on a brown stick

"WAHH!" Giorno shouts as Golden Experince quickly comes out to catch the donut-haired blonde

"Oi Giorno, are you okay?" Izuku asks Giorno

"Y-yea I'm fine" Giorno replies as he fully stands up.

"Hey Giorno, is it normal for your stand's foot to crumble away?" Gyro asks as he points to the foot of Giorno's stand, which was slowly crumbling away.

"IS THIS THE WORK OF AN ENEMY STAND USER?!" Johnny screams out as the group of four look around them, only to see an empty dessert, with almost no life in it. Not only is Golden Experience crumbling away, the effects are also affecting Giorno.

"This is getting quite out of hand" Izuku says as he instructs The World to rewrite Giorno's injuries, only for the hand to phase through Giorno's leg

"W h a t" Izuku says confused while Golden Experience has crumbled all the way to its waist.

Gyro, Johnny, and Izuku turn to look for a sign of a stand or a stand user or anything that caused Golden Experience to disintegrate.

They look back to check on Giorno, only to see a husk of Golden Experience

"GIORNO NO!" Yelled Gyro as he runs to the husk and examines it as well as Izuku and Johnny

"So this is what caused this trouble" said a voice from behind the trio

"WHO GOES THERE!" Yelled Johnny

"Relax, it's me" the voice said as the trio took a good look at the figure

"Giorno?" Gyro asked

"Yea, when you were looking for a stand user, I was looking for the stick I tripped on" Giorno answered

"Why would you look for a stick?" Asked Izuku

"If arrows could give us stands, then surely there should be more magical items right?" Giorno answered again as he picks up the stick he tripped on

"With a closer look.... it seems as though it's an arrow" Giorno said as the three rushed over to look at what Giorno was holding

"Yes but it wasn't the arrow that gave me a stand" Izuku says as he takes an even closer look at the arrow

"I'll ask Jotaro" Giorno says as he takes a picture of the arrow

"I'll ask Jotaro" Giorno says as he takes a picture of the arrow

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Giorno sends the picture to Jotaro. Jotaro replies in a short 2 seconds

"That was fast, it usually takes him 30 minutes to respond, most of the time he wouldn't" Giorno says surprised as he reads Jotaro's reply


Jotaro: Where did you find that arrow

Giorno: I tripped on it

Jotaro: You what?

Giorno: Yes

Joraro: . . .

Giorno: . . .


Giorno: y e s

Giorno: So what does it do?

Jotaro: According to one of my friends, it is supposed to give your stand more power if you are worthy

Giorno: oh cool

Jotaro: Did you get stabbed by it?

Giorno: yes

Jotaro: . . .

Jotaro's mind: I was supposed to get it, am I not worthy ;(

Jotaro: anyways, it's called a requiem arrow

Giorno: cool name, who named it?

Jotaro: I did...

Giorno: oh, I thought you would name it "Stand Arrow V.2"

Jotaro: why would anyone name something like that

Giorno: you? You name your dolphins "Dolphin 1....Dolphin 2.....Dolphin 3...."

Jotaro: . . .

*You have been blocked by this number*

Giorno: oops


"So what did he say" Izuku asked

"It's called a requiem arrow and it gives worthy stand users a more powerful stand" Giorno replies

"Oh ni-" Izuku was cut off when a knife was imbedded into his chest

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