|I Don't Wanna Change, Even If They Say I'm Immature|

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"Wakey, wakey, angel~."

Felix groaned, tiredly batting away the hand poking his cheek. There was a soft coo and a chuckle somewhere above him, and it took him a few seconds to remember everything that had happened the day before.

He remembered making a mess of the room, trying to find something useful in the toy box, only the be disappointed. He had found the camera they used to spy on him, but the teddy bear in which it was hidden was sitting on a shelf a little too high for him to reach, so he had been forced to leave it.

He had tried forcing the door open, but had eventually given up and, after some torturous hours, had finally resigned himself to the fact that he wasn't getting out of that stupid room without his captors' say-so.

He remembered being tired, too. The day had been too much, there were some lingering aftereffects of the drugs they had pumped into his body, and the general physical and mental exhaustion had finally gotten to him.

He hadn't returned to the bed, though. He found the crib demeaning, so he had curled up on the floor after grabbing a stray blanket and—

But I'm not on the floor anymore.

His eyes flew open at the belated realization. When had he gotten back into bed? The moment he tried to push himself up, however, he realized that he couldn't – the padded straps were back on, tying him down to the bed.

"Ah, there's our angel," mused Hyunjin, reaching down to stroke his hair. "Why did you fall asleep on the floor, silly? The bed's much more comfortable."

"W- what—when did you—"

"You were so tired, you didn't even stir when Minho picked you up," giggled the black-haired man. "Now don't start getting fussy, okay?"

"Why did you wake him up if you didn't want him to fuss?" replied Minho, clicking his tongue.

Felix couldn't see him, though. For some reason, he was lying on his tummy, and he shivered when he realized that his... lower body, was almost entirely exposed. The onesie he had been wearing had been pushed up a little, revealing his lower back.

"What- what are you doing?" he asked, trying to twist around and see.

Hyunjin quickly shushed him, gently pressing down on the side of his head to keep him still, much like he had done the day before.

"I needed him awake to make sure he could communicate if there are any unexpected side-effects," he then answered, unbothered by Felix's struggles. "Angel, listen to me, okay? There's going to be a pinch, and then you're going to feel really cold for a little bit. It won't hurt, though – you need to tell me if does, okay? It's not supposed to."

"What are you- what are you doing to me?" he protested, his voice breaking.

He was scared again. Fuck, Felix hated it.

"It's going to be okay, kitten," assured softly Minho.

The warmth of his hand pressing against his back to pin it down greatly contrasted with the coldness of the wipe he was now using to clean a specific patch of skin just next to Felix's spine. The freckled boy's breathing started picking up as panic slowly settled in, easily understanding they were going to inject him with yet another drug.

"P- please, please, don't, please—" he pleaded, tears brimming his eyes again.

"There's nothing to be scared of, angel," promised Hyunjin, gently stroking the back of his head in an attempt to soothe him. "You're getting too worked up, it's not good for you baby. Just take deep breaths, okay? Here, I'll do it with you. In, and out. In, and out..."

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