|Fly With My Young Wings, Spread My Wings|

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Minho woke up to a strange gurgling noise and a weird, warm pressure on his thumb. His eyes fluttered open, confused, and he was instantly met with the sight of Felix. The boy was the one making weird noises, some saliva dripping down his chin as he chewed on Minho's thumb without actually biting it.


A small squeal escaped the boy as he noticed he was awake, and Minho's breath was taken away by the bright, wide grin the boy offered him.

Is he still in headspace...?

"No, baby, that's icky," he murmured, gently pulling his thumb away.

A faint whine instantly escaped Felix as he tried to pull his hand back to his mouth, but Minho was quick to switch his interest to the nearest plushie he could find. He picked up the stuffed brown kangaroo and Felix instantly let out a delighted giggle when Minho playfully nuzzled his neck with it.

Minho was in awe. Had Felix really slipped this far? If they had been right with their initial assessment, then he was actually in babyspace, but Minho needed to check.

"Lixie? Baby?" he called out softly. He cooed a bit when wide, innocent eyes turned to him. "Can you tell hyungie how old you are right now?"

Another giggle escaped the regressed boy when Minho mimicked making a number with his fingers, trying to reach out for his hands again. He was distracted a moment later, though, when a bubble of saliva popped in his mouth. With a gasp, he started blowing more bubbles and giggling excitedly whenever they popped.

He's so young, thought Minho, a bit in awe.

He didn't think they'd manage to make him slip so far – at least, not this soon. But whatever had triggered him yesterday must have been pretty bad, because Felix was now well and truly stuck in babyspace.

He slowly sat up, not wanting to disturb the boy, but Felix noticed and his face instantly scrunched up, his pouty lips trembling a bit as a low whine escaped him. He obviously didn't want to be left alone. Chuckling a bit, Minho gently poked his cheek a few times, and the boy's smile was quick to return as he started munching on his finger again.

He pulled out his phone with his free hand, quickly writing to Hyunjin so he'd bring down some of the new stuff they had bought in the last few days, informing him that Felix had slipped and warning him not to make a commotion when joining them.

Barely a few minutes later, the door slid open, and Hyunjin entered. He had a wide, eager grin on his lips, and he barely managed to muffle a squeal when he saw them. Quickly walking over to the bed, he cooed loudly when seeing Felix, and the freckled boy's face instantly lightened up upon seeing his other caregiver.

Abandoning Minho's fingers, Felix reached out toward Hyunjin, making grabbing hands. Cooing again, the long-haired man didn't have to be told twice and gingerly picked him up, chuckling softly when Felix's hands almost instantly found his hair. He was pulling on the long strands with curiosity, his eyes wide as he brought one to his mouth—

"Ah-ah-ah, don't do that baby, that's nasty," quickly intervened Minho, gently pulling the hair out of his grasp. "Here, won't that taste better?"

He gently pushed the brand-new pink and yellow pacifier against his lips, and Felix instantly opened his mouth, welcoming the chewy object. A delighted noise escaped him when the first taste of strawberries filled his mouth, and he started sucking on it much more eagerly.

(The flavored pacifier had been Seungmin's idea – they would have to thank him later.)

"He's adorable," whispered Hyunjin. "Our adorable little baby, hm?"

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