The Killer of 2013

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stephen"s POV

They tried to kill me for no reason now im gonna get my revenge!! Tomorrow i,m going to stick a knife on stewart the guy hwo tried to kill me! 

 January 12th 2013

 Hi my name is Richerd the son of stewart. Some strange man with no face has been staring at me at night. His face is all black and i think he had a nice chlothes.I think its just my brother trying to scare me.

January 13 2013

Ok so the black faced man has been staring inside my window .Im getting kind of scared.

January 14 2013

Ok so now the black faced man has been leaving NOTES!! One said RUN FROM HOME!!! Another one said MURDER HAPPINING JANUARY 18TH!! Im getting really scared now.

January 15 2013

Im scared now the murder is happining in four days!!! The black faced man has been leaving knifes with blood!!!!!!!! he also wrote on my window in spray paint BETTER RUN!! Then i noticed something that scared the living daylights out of me IT WAS A LETTER FROM THE BLACK MAN IT SAID murdur in three days! I wonder if im just mentaly retarded.

January 16 2013

Today im scared to death im all alone at home i keep on hearing screaming in the woods.My dad tells me to never go in the woods at night thare are poison snakes but i couldent take it any more so i went i went in the woods .I sware to god ill never go in the woods again!!! Thare were letters sticked to the trees by knifes. One said BETTER RUN!! another one said NOW YOUR DEAD!! Then the black faced man came out of noware and started chokeing me to death.Then he got a knife out and brought it up to my neck.I was so scared of dyeing that I got the pocket knife out of my pocket and stabbed him in the arm i heard a mumbled scream and then silance.

January  17 2013

I dident tell my parents about what happend because today is my birthday i could have swarn a saw the black faced man behind my father when i was opening a present.When i saw the black faced man on my bed when i got home i screamed. My dad came in my room really fast i told him all about the black faced man. he said i was just playing too much video games.So that night i heard whispering in my room it said i was just going to kill your father now im going to kill you!! I sweated really much i was really scared about dyeing.

JANUARY 18 2013

I think the killing is gonna be tonight!!! Now i stole one of my dads shot guns and slept with it. Then when i was sleeping i head my dads scream i went inside his room i saw him laying on the floor with a knife in his head HE WAS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the shot gun and loaded it with bullets i saw the black faced man in my window i shot the gun and he fell off my window sill. BUT HE STOOD UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had a sub machine gun!! he fired it i looked out the window aimed at his head and then bam he was almost dead!! Then the swat team came they assasinated the black faced man.I cried because my dad was dead the swat team found me and said you need to live with some other family member.So i lived with my aunt i hope this never happens again this was a teriffiing time. COMMENT PLEASE

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2013 ⏰

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