Chapter 23 - Tournament

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Each day was a different year taking part in the the tournament. The other years didn't have to stay and watch if we didn't want to, but a lot of student's did. I spent most of the week with my nose practically pressed up against the window, watching everyone, taking it all in to see if there was anything I could take away from it all. Every day there was three different tasks the students had to do to show off their powers and strength but each day was something different so when it was the next day and the next years turn, no one knew what to expect. The winners of the day had to wait until Friday for a battle with all the winners from all the years.

I knew the younger kids probably wouldn't last long, not with the older kids in the fight. When Tuesday rolled around, I felt my whole body ignite with excitement. I had no idea what tasks we'd be given today but I was buzzing to show off. Everyone clearly knew I was strong, but I was thinking of maybe using more than fifty percent of my power to really give them a show. I was more excited for Friday. Having a battle with all the winners from each year got my blood pumping like never before. We all had on special combat uniform for the tournament as well a a weird wrist band each.

"Forth years, welcome!" Mr. Peters shouted from the call box by the ceiling. I looked around at all the students in the rooms circling the hall by the ceiling. I caught a lot of stares at mine and Phoenix's direction. The two strongest students in the school getting to strut our stuff in front of everyone was causing quite the buzz. I smirked to myself, almost laughing at the fact that most of the students around  me had been at this school for four years and I hadn't even been here for one. 

"The first task today is hide and seek!" As soon as Mr. Peters said 'maze', the ground underneath us started to shake. I felt a few of the teachers at the side of the hall stomp on the floor and punch their hands forward as they shifted the ground under us.

"See you on the other side." I smirked at Phoenix as a mud wall came up between us.

"Don't keep me waiting." He said, winking at me just as the wall hid his face.

"The aim of the game is to attack as many students as you can. One hit equals one point. Every time you get hit, a point gets taken off. Students with the most points at the end move on to the next round. " Mr. Peters continued explaining the rules as a giant screen came down on the far side of the hall. I stretched my arms out in front of me. More so to release some excited energy I had burning up inside of me. "No serious injuries, no attacking someone so they can no longer participate,  just one hit. That's all." I looked up at Mr. Peters, seeing him look directly at me when he said that. I bowed at him to let him know I knew that specification was mainly aimed at me.

I opened my senses and used my clear vision to give me as much help as possible. I could sense where all the students were in the hall. I could also sense different elemental teachers standing on different sides of the hall. They had all changed and rearranged the halls so different sides of the hall had different areas. I felt twines crawl along the wall next to me as the area I was currently in turned into a valley of sorts. I smiled at the vines, reaching my hand out, letting them crawl up my arm.

"Go!" Mr. Peters shouted. I grabbed the vines, using them to swing me on top of the wall, crouching down.  Straight away I saw the tops of heads running around, trying to find other students whilst hiding themselves. I sighed deeply. I could either use my sensory powers and amour and basically hit every student, turn my whole body in to water so people's attacks don't land on me. Or... I can try and take it easy on everyone. I felt eyes staring at me so I looked up at Mr. Peters who was watching me like a hawk.

What is this guys problem?

I stood up slowly, bringing my arms with me. I tried to fight the smirk on my face, but it was hard. I created mini icicles directly above every student in the hall. The icicle would hang above them and follow them if they moved. It took a lot of concentration but thanks to my training and all my powers, it wasn't as difficult as I imagined. I saw Mr. Peters briefly look around the room, at my attack hanging above everyone's head. His eyes widened a fraction before falling back on me. I winked at him, snapping my fingers, making the icicles fall on all the students. There were a few that sensed my attack and managed to dodge or fight back. Those being my group of friends.

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