Chapter 26 - Family Relations

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"I should have known out of all the students here, the one wandering around in places they shouldn't, it would have been you." Mr. Peters sighed, leaning back in his chair. I didn't say anything, just carried on watching him for any small detail he might give. "Ultimately however, you are a student here, a child, and I don't have to tell you anything." I felt my jaw twitch.

"I think you know as well as I do that it'll be in your best interest if you do start to answer my questions, Sir." My voice turned into a sneer at the end of the sentence. 

"Very well then." Mr. Peters leaned forward again, his eyes darting slightly as he was trying to figure out what to say. Or what lies to tell me. Using my abilities, I felt the blood pumping through his heart, watching for any slight change when he spoke about things. He cleared his throat before continuing.

"I don't know what or how much you know so I'm just going to start from the beginning. Thousands of years ago, when elemental powers were just being recognised,  there was a founding family of sorts. Well, I guess they were more like royalty. They each had a child that was born with powers. One child was born being able to control fire, one water, one air and one earth."

"I thought the royal family were all air benders?" I piped in. He nodded his head.

"The royal family is. But I'm talking about a different one. This is going back thousands of years. They were all the first to be born with these gifts. They were extra special because of their powers and slowly over time the bloodline was forced to keep it going. The fire element could only have children with another fire element and so on. They wanted to keep the bloodline pure and strong. They were always the most powerful out of everyone that had these kind of powers." I was listening intently. Why weren't we taught about this in history?

"Skipping ahead a few hundred years to the late eighteenth century, the bloodline was still pure. However, there was one child born that didn't want to live under these rules. They hated them. The longer they were alive and forced into doing something they didn't want to do, they started to rebel. At first it started of with them being a hormonal teenager but as their powers became stronger, the more out of control they became. Now, can you guess who this person was?" I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.


"Correct. He went against everything that they stood for. Hated it so much that he left and was seen as a traitor against the royal family, and therefore his own kind. As his powers grew, so did the darkness in him. As you know, there was a war that he started. It was just meant to be with us elementals but he started to see non-powered humans as less than us and things got out of hand, and fast."

"Okay, and then what happened?" I was fully wrapped up in this story. 

"Remember how I said there was a pure blood for each element?" I nodded my head. "Well, the earth element was my grandfather. That's who was in the pictures with Mars, it wasn't me."

"Okay, at least that makes more sense." I mumbled. It also made more sense as to why Mr. Peters was so powerful. Who would have thought he was from a royalty bloodline? I still felt like there was more to the story however. "What else aren't you tell me?" There was a pause. Mr. Peters watched me closely, waiting to see my reaction.

"During the battle Mars killed everyone in the royal family. All except his cousins as they were the ones that killed him. After that, they decided to stop with the pure bloodlines and went their separate ways. They changed the history books to a different story so people didn't know the truth. As I've said, my grandfather was from the earth bloodline. We still haven't been able to find the air element bloodline. Mars never had any children to our knowledge, but you Coventina... You are-"

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