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I’m Fated To Love You

(Dansin-eul Salang Unmyeong Haeyo)



“Congratulations!!!” The four boys, Onew, Kibum, Minho and Taemin greet Jonghyun. They are gathered together to celebrate Jonghyun’s marriage.

“Neomo gomawo.” The newly married groom answered with a bright smile.

“Ya, your wife won’t be looking for you? You are supposed to be with her since you just finished your wedding ceremony right?” Onew raises one brow as he asks his dongsaeng.

“Aigoo…” Jonghyun pats Onew’s shoulder. “You are asking me hyung? Ya, you guys, where are your girlfriends? I bet the four of them are also gathered together to celebrate.”

“I agree.” The three boys answer in chorus and laugh afterwards.

“Wait… Wait… Hyung, how did the two of you met? I mean fall in love?” Taemin teasingly asks his hyung.

Jonghyun looks at him with half-closed eyes with a smile. “Taemin-ah, neomo neomo gomawo.” He knows that his younger ‘brother’ is just teasing him.

“Isn’t it you who introduces Jonghyun hyung and her Taeminnie right?” Kibum asks with curious eyes.

Taemin nods with a bright smile. “I am, but I didn’t know what goes on afterwards.”

“Okay, let’s hear it from hyung then.” Minho looks at Jonghyun with curious eyes.

“Chincha… These boys. Arasseo!” Jonghyun shakes his head as he starts narrating the story.

I'm Fated To Love You {2SHOTS [Stories]( SHINee - OT5)}Where stories live. Discover now