Flipping off a man while hugging your partner.

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It was a Wednesday afternoon. Nothing exciting was happening. The café was empty. Jukyung's sat down, being all relaxed. However, this was not the case for Seojun.

Seojun paced back and forth. Twiddling his fingers and opening his phone.

"Could you sit down? You're making me dizzy just by watching you." Shouted Jukyung from the back.

"Fine." Pouted Seojun, slumping down in a chair. Scrolling through his phone, Seojun was becoming inpatient.

"What now?" Jukyung asked in a curious voice.

"I miss him..."

"Who's him?"

"SuHo...." whined Seojun. "I want to text him again, but he's studying for a big exam."

"But it's only been 15 minutes since you texted him though." Said Jukyung, wiping the tables.

"Yeah, but I really want to see him." Seojun explain as him steeped the floor.

"Oh- I know, you can pick him up when he's done studying." Suggested Jukyung.

"YEAH! Jukyung you're a life saver." Seojun said beginning to run off for SuHo.

"Oh no you don't!" Jukyung dragging Seojun back, "You better finish sweeping before you go!"


After finishing doing what Jukyung told him, Seojun quickly rode off to SuHo's location. Reaching his destination, Seojun parked his motorcycle and waited. He waited and waited.

"Huh- what's taking so long." 

Seojun finally got impatient. Going into the building to search for SuHo, Seojun went door to door to search for his beloved. Peeking though the windows of the study rooms, all he did was disturb other students.

"Sorry, sorry." Said an embarrassed Seojun, hiding his face to not be recognized.

Finally, Seojun looked though the last window of the hall and saw SuHo. Watching SuHo from a distance, Seojun wanted to go in and just hug him.

"Ooo, let me take a picture of this."

Seojun took out his phone, but when he looked up, he saw another man with SuHo. The other man poked SuHo's hands, and seemed to have handed SuHo a paper.

"What is he doing?!?" Thought Seojun, "What's on the paper?"

SuHo looked at the paper, smiled at him, and then wrote something on it. The man seemed to smile back at SuHo, thanking him.

Wanting to know what the paper was, Seojun texted SuHo.

👋 Hello

Confused, SuHo looked around. Seeing that Seojun was at the door, SuHo let him in.

"Seojun? Why are you here?" Questioned SuHo.

Seojun took the paper. Looking at it, the paper was just homework.

"Oh- oops...."

"Is something wrong?" Asked SuHo.

"I- it's nothing. I just came here to pick you up." Seojun laughed nervously. Now fully embarrassed, Seojun stepped outside to wait for SuHo.

*Tick* *Tock* *Tick* *Tock* went the clock.

Every thing went by so slowly. Seojun waited and wait. Waited and waited. Waited and wait- Eventually, Seojun sleep asleep on the floor.

When SuHo came out of the study room. He saw that Seojun had pasted out. Laying on the floor, some people snickered as they walked by.

"Hey, Seojun wake up." SuHo nudged the sleeping man.

"Wh- what." Seojun suddenly waking up.

"You fell asleep, come on let's get something to eat." Said SuHo

"Let's gooo!" Seojun said happy about food.

Down the street, there was a hamburger store. While eating, Seojun noticed a man staring at SuHo's back. Getting the man's attention, Seojun stared daggers back at him.

"Why do you like so mad?" SuHo asked half-heartedly, still stuffing his mouth with French Fries.

"Oh it's nothing." Said Seojun slumping down.

After eating, SuHo needed to buy some groceries.

"I can come with you." Said Seojun.

"You will? Thanks."

Walking into the store, Seojun helped to pick out some apples.

"Should I get the green apple, or the red..." SuHo's sentence was cut off by someone.

"Hey, sorry the bother you, but I think you're cute." Flirted the man to SuHo.

Seojun got annoyed, and wrapped his arms around SuHo.

"Sorry, he's taken." Seojun angrily answered.

"Oh sorry-" the man walked off.

Still having his arms around SuHo, Seojun walked SuHo away.

"Oh, I need some yogurt." Said SuHo.

"I'll go get them for you." Seojun starting to get possessive of Seojun.

"Follow me." Seojun said dragging SuHo away.

The scene would have been a sight from a third-person point of view. A man just dragging another man that's holding on to some carrots and apple.

"Which one did you like?" Asked Seojun.

"Just the strawberry one." SuHo said grabbing it off the shelve.

Going to the front desk to pay, Seojun needed to use the bathroom.

"Okay, I wait for you at the front door." Said SuHo.

While in the bathroom, Seojun overheard some people talking.

"Hey did you see, there was a really cute guy with the pink flower shirt." Said one person.

"Really? What about him." Asked the other one.

"I was thinking about getting his phone phone."

Seojun knew exactly who they were talking about, SuHo. Getting annoyed, Seojun came out of the stall, washed his hand, and ran back to SuHo as fast as he could.

At the front store, Seojun found SuHo.

"Hey Seojun! Over here!" Waved SuHo.

Seojun stopped right in front of SuHo, their faces just inches apart.

"Why do you keep attracting people?" Asked Seojun as he pinched SuHo's cheeks.

"Wh- what do you mean?" SuHo asked.

"SuHo you're mine." Seojun said still playing with his face.

"Where did this come from?"

Seojun just stared into SuHo's eyes. In the corner of his eyes, Seojun saw the man from the restroom wanting to ask SuHo out. Pulling SuHo in for a hug, Seojun stuck his tongue out at the man. And putting his middle finger up just to put salt on the wound.

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