I Took Pity on a Kitten, Then It Turned into My Boyfriend?!? Pt.1

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The sky was dark. Thunder capped through the sky, and rain poured down as if the clouds had a night of Taco Bells (#not sponsored).

SuHo was walking down to his bus stop. The water droplets tapped on his umbrella as he strolled down the sidewalk.

Drip Tap Drip Tap.......

A groups of kids ran by him, chatting about and laughing about something. SuHo wasn't really social. He does have friends... more like he's the introvert that was basically dragged along by an extrovert, but still has friends nevertheless.

The wind was strong too. SuHo felt like he would be the next Mary Poppins if he just hold the umbrella at a correct angle.

At the bus stop, there were many people huddling under the bus stop, not trying to get wet. Scrolling through his phone, he could see the bus coming down the street. Getting up with the other people, he suddenly heard a loud meow.

"Was that my imagination?" Thought SuHo.

He looked around, "Other people seem to have not heard it." SuHo thought. SuHo was trying to give it zero thought. The bus is here, he's hungry, and the rain is pouring. Better get home quick and wash up.

However, the unknown sound is getting louder. SuHo seems to be the only one that hears it. Having his consciousness get the best of him, SuHo walked out of the crowd, and followed the sound.

The sound was coming out of a box from an alleyway.

"What the-"

Looking down into the box, SuHo could see a small cat. The little one meowed at SuHo, seemingly already attached to him.

SuHo didn't want to take care of it. Trying to get someone else to take it, SuHo pick up the kitten. "Umm... there's a kitten her-"  However, when SuHo walked back to the bus stop everyone was already loading onto the bus and left. 

"Just my luck." SuHo said as he pulled out his phone, it's 4:47. The next bus stop won't be able to arrive till 5:15.

SuHo felt something rubbing against his legs. Looking down, SuHo saw the kitten was already rubbing against him, seems like it already choose SuHo to be its caretaker.

"Huh-" sighed SuHo, "I guess I'll take care of you." The little cat meowed back at SuHo, seemingly the be able to understand what he said.

"I guess I'll need to buy you something to eat right." SuHo said.

The kitten jumped into SuHo's arms. The rain was still raining hard. Down the streets was a pets market. Going in, SuHo picked a bag of kibbles for the little kitten.

"I can't believe I adopted a cat off the streets." SuHo said to himself. "Should I name you?"

The cat meowed back.

SuHo assumed that the answer to his question was yes.

"Let's see... humm....." SuHo thinks about what would be a good name for the cat in his hand.

"Bread? Bread is a cool name...." SuHo said unsurely.


"Why am I asking you mister... miss... homosap- wait no, you're a cat!"

SuHo had this conversation going back and forth between him and the cat until he was at his bus stop again. A couple standers had overheard parts of what SuHo said. A grandma side-eyed SuHo in a very judgmental way.

"Umm- hello ma'am."

The bus had finally arrived, and the grandma climbed onto the bus. "That was awkward" SuHo thought to himself.

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