You were abandoned too? (unfinished drafted beta version 3)

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Osamu Dazai was your average 22-year-old, he had a job, multiple actually, he paid his bills and he was a single father... ok maybe not that average... a single father at 22, to a 4-year-old at that. Yes, he had a kid at 18, but to be fair it wasn't really his choice, Kori Nakajima was a beautiful young woman who had taken an interest in him. But maybe, Dazai should've been more careful and taken the name as a warning, after all just like the meaning of her name, she was ice...

Dazai had met the woman on his first day of university, she was 20 and quite famous, she had beautiful looks and a kind demeanour. Dazai too was said to be good looking and maybe that's what drew her to him. She had taken him by the arm and gotten him drunk, he still doesn't remember when she had managed to give him an alcoholic drink. They got together after that, He had thought it was love, how naive, he was indeed just a kid. To be so blind as to fall for a woman who only wanted him for his looks, who didn't care that she was using a minor just to pass the time...

Why did he even go with a bunch of adult's he didn't know anyway? Both Odasaku and Ango told him not to... he should've listened, then she wouldn't have had blackmail to use against him... force him to take responsibility even tho he had thought it was love, he was taken advantage of without realizing it. Why didn't he tell anyone what had happened? He really should've talked to his friends about what he had gotten himself into on that first day of university, why oh why... did he not tell them?

He had ignored both Ango and Odasaku after what had happened... Why did he do that? Why did he leave their apartment in the middle of the night and move in with her? Why did he do everything in his power to sidestep them? Well, fast forward 9 months and she gives birth... and things seemed good for a while... she had classes in the morning he had them in the afternoon, they switched during lunch and the other was left with little Atsushi, they decided on Kori's last name since Osamu had nothing to him, fast forward another 3 months and she's gone... leaving him homeless and with nowhere to go for an acting and modelling gig, some weird-ass agency gave her an offer telling her to forget her boyfriend and 3-month-old son for fame and glory... why did Dazai think he was cared for?...

Why did Osamu agree on going to university again? Going literature none the less... well literature and criminology... Yes, he was a straight-A student but what else can you do when you are going through life boringly but study? Well, suicide was an option but both Odasaku and Ango wouldn't let him do that... So university it was.

He was walking down the corridor to find his classroom when someone called out to him.

"Hey there sweetheart~" Osamu turned around to see a beautiful girl, obviously older than he was, with white hair and pale skin. Her eyes were an icy blue with specks of purple. "Heterochromia" Osamu supplies absentmindedly as he turns around completely to properly face her.

"Eh... can I help you?" Osamu gives her a confused look as he studies her, she has a friendly look on her face as she approaches him.

"Ah- it's just that you looked a bit lost... do you need any help finding your classroom?~" Her voice is sweet, and Osamu thinks that his heart may have skipped a beat or two. He blushes a bit and looks away a bit but ultimately makes eye contact with her.

"Oh, yeah I might be a bit lost... you don't happen to know where literary history 1 is do you?" Osamu brings a hand to rub the back of his head a bit embarrassed. The girl smiles and nods.

"With Mr Yamashita right? I can take you there if you'd like?" She has her hands clasped in front of her and smiles sweetly cocking her head to the side. Osamu gives a small smile and nods.

"Mhm, that's right, and I'd like that... thank you" He bows slightly and looks up at her again and opens his mouth to continue when a voice rings out keeping him from saying anything-

"KORI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING BOTHERING THE UNDERCLASSMEN!?" A boy on the taller side stomps up to where Osamu and the girl are talking, the girl turns around and frowns at the quickly approaching boy.

"I'm not bothering anyone Doppo! I'm just helping him out!" The girl, that he now knew to be Kori, yelled back. The boy reached them and Osamu could now see that he was blonde and had glasses and proper posture.

"Sure you were!" The boy growled and then faced Osamu and bowed "I am Doppo Kunikida, 17 years old and a 3rd year, I'm a math, literature and criminology student I'm also taking my teaching degree, and you are?" The boy, now named Kunikida, raised from his bow and nodded at Osamu. So blondie was the same age as Osamu, he had clearly skipped a few grades and Osamu found it funny that they seemed to have the same interests. Osamu bowed as well and answered.

"I am Osamu Dazai, nice to meet you, I'm a 1st year and I study literature and criminology as well. Oh- and I'm 17" Osamu studied the young adult. in front of him, he had a stern face but his eyes were kind.

"Oh! that reminds me! Where are my manners? I'm Kori, Kori Nakajima, I'm 20 and a fashion and math student also a 3rd year" Nakajima bows slightly and Osamu knows he's blushing, shaking his head he looks at her again.

"No, it's fine, nice to meet the both of you, eh... do I address the two of you formally or?" Dazai bows slightly and the two of them look at each other and shake their heads,

"No, no, there's no need for that, you can just call me Kori; no honorifics needed" Her eyes sparkled and her smile softened. Kunikida seemed a bit sceptical and wary of Kori but sighed and turned to Osamu fully.

"Kunikida's fine by me, when is your birthday by the way, if you wanna use honorifics I'd rather it be age-based instead of grade-based, mine is August the 30th" He crossed his arms and took a step back with his right leg leaning on it.

"Ah! Is Kunikida-kun fine then? My birthday is June 19th" Osamu found it a bit jarring that the boy in front of him was younger than him yet his upperclassman.

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