When you sleep I speak my truths to you(Beta5)

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Hajun knew that falling asleep at 19:00 was a mistake! He really shouldn't be surprised that he woke up at 02:15. Maybe stealing some of Allen's dog-rose tea would get him tired enough to fall back asleep again, even if it would only result in about another 3 hours of sleep. Hajun was a little shocked he fell asleep at seven after having eaten dinner a little earlier than usual, the eldest Yeon son had had a modelling gig and instead of going to the gym, he went straight home and ate dinner with Allen, both of them EXHAUSTED; for different reasons but the both of them had been ready to keel over.

Allen had been up for practically the last three days and so the lack of sleep had finally caught up to him. The redhead hadn't even mustered the energy to put his dishes in the sink and had instead fallen asleep at the table immediately after emptying his bowl. Hajun had huffed fondly at the sight and put both his and Allen's finished bowls in the sink then put Anne's share of dinner in the fridge for them to eat when they get back after their shift.

Hajun's day had been hectic, to say the least. The blond had to skip his morning jog to make breakfast then head to do an interview regarding his modelling career which meant his usual magazine shoot was pushed back, said shoot had been exhausting because they kept having him switch outfits every 20 shots and it was draining. Hajun having to keep up the prince persona he's cultivated for himself had bit his tongue to keep from snapping at the team he was working with.

Once finished he had come to the conclusion that foregoing the gym and instead going straight home to take it easy was going to serve him better in the long run unless he wanted to risk injuring himself while attempting to work out. Entering the apartment and making dinner had been a walk in the park and a good recharge activity. The Korean had pre-prepared the ingredients needed for the evening before heading out for his interview while he was making breakfast, so throwing together a simple Chicken katsu for him and his flat-mates had taken no time at all.

He'd managed to somehow drag Allen away from... what had looked like his 3/4 done Linguistics essay rather than a new composition. Saimon-sensei must've sent him a warning saying that if he didn't turn the essay in on time he'd get his grade docked, well if threatening Allen got him to do his homework Hajun wasn't one to complain. He helped Allen to the table and sat him down in front of the bowl of Chicken katsu and then sat down himself to dig in together with the redhead.

The blond had been so famished he hadn't even realized that he'd finished his dinner and when he'd looked to the side, Allen's own bowl had been empty and the boy himself knocked out cold on the table next to said bowl. Grabbing both the dirty bowls and Anne's share of food, Hajun walked over to the sink and fridge.

Closing the fridge door Hajun heaved a sigh and went over to where Allen was asleep at the table and picked the slightly shorter male up and carried him to his room to put the redhead in bed. Making an observation on the younger's lack of weight. Frowning, Hajun made a mental note to make sure Allen got his weight up. The boy was way too light for the blond's liking, with how easy he was to carry the eldest member of BAE was sure their idiot leader weighed almost half of what Anne weighed. Which was concerning, to say the least, compared to what someone Allen's age and height should weigh.

Carrying the Eurasian male to his room took little effort and once Hajun reached his destination he carefully put Allen down on the bed and tucked him in. His lips quirked up and his eyes softened as he glanced at the younger male. It looked like he was at ease, breathing soft and body relaxed. Rising up from his crouch next to the bed Hajun went over to Allen's bench and lit the candle there using the matches next to it. When the candle was burning the blond blew out the match and threw it away. He turned towards the door, carefully left and promptly fell into his own bed after managing to make it to his own room, falling asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

7 hours and 15 minutes later Hajun had woken up and was now carefully maneuvering his way to the kitchen through the dark apartment. Stopping briefly he noticed that Anne's shoes weren't yet in the doorway meaning they still hadn't returned from Club CANDY but were probably enroute back home.

Making it into the living room without stumbling the blond got ready to continue into the kitchen but noticed movement from the corner of his eye, looking over he saw the back of a head on the couch being lit up and promptly jumped in surprise and somehow managed to keep from screaming the Korean male did a double take and realized it was just Allen typing away on his laptop instead of being in bed catching up on sleep.

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