~chapter 1~

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My alarm clock woke me up. Another ordinary morning, or maybe not? Last week I was called to chairman's office just for him to tell me I'm moving to another class. This is my last year in Junior high school, all this years I was in class A. Well until now...


I stood in front of the chairman's office. I quietly knocked on his door and waited for reply.
"come in" I heard and then opened the door. There sat our chairman, Asano Gakuho.
"you called me, Sir?" I asked him.
He looked at me and then nodded. "I have to inform you that you're unfortunately moving to class 3-E, Miss (l/n)."
"excuse me Sir, I believe I heard you wrong, did you just say I'm moving to the class 3-E?" I was shocked. I can't move to another class, I just can't. What would my parents think of that? How am I supposed to tell them now? They're going to be so mad...
He sighed. "you heard me correctly, I know this probably isn't the nicest thing to hear right now, but you will move to that class. You have a high IQ level and we need you there." He said while writing something on the paper.
"Sir, I'm not trying to be rude here, but you just said that I have really high IQ level, the highest in whole school, my marks are perfect and I never caused any trouble, I don't understand why I need to move there" now I really don't understand anything...

He slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!       If I say something, then it would be that way, I'M I CLEAR?!" He yelled.
"c-crystal clear sir" I I barely said it. (y/n) you idiot why did you stutter.
"good, as I was saying, there is something you should know first..." he then explained me everything about some kind of alien that wants to destroy our world? Or something like that.
"he wants to destroy our world, we have time to kill him before school year ends, basically before spring break. Your parents told me the first day you came here as a child you were talented at board games, am I right?" he asked now looking at me.
"yes sir" I said, typical of my parents, they force me to be the best at everything and then they brag to everyone.
"we are aware of the fact that over time you have developed your IQ by playing these games that we can now consider you a genius, what's your IQ again? 165?" He asked looking down at me, something I really hate.
"175 sir" I said quite in a bratty way.
"ah yes, my bad, we're sending you to that class so you can help them with killing that monster, don't get that personally, maybe some people will start hating you, but you're still our little miss perfect" He stood up and walked towards the window. When he got in front of it, he started talking again. "you aren't the only one going, Akabane Karma will go as well, not because he's smart, he just make us way to much trouble. You're starting at Monday miss (l/n) you may leave now."
And with that, I left.

~end of flashback~

I put on my uniform and then went to the bathroom to get ready. I left my hair down, because I think it looks prettier that way. Then I went back to my room, took my school bag and went downstairs.

My mother was in kitchen making breakfast for us, and my father was in dining room working at something on his laptop. I was never allowed to call them mom and dad, they say I should always be mature, so I don't really know how to enjoy life anymore. Everything I do is trying to be the best at everything...

I sat at the table. "good morning father, mother" I told them and nodded at them. Another one of their stupid rules, when I'm starting conversation with them, I should always speak to my father first.
"good morning" my father shortly grumped.
"good morning sweetie" my mother said and smiled at me. She's quite bipolar person. One moment, she's the sweetest person alive, and then the other one, she could actually kill you. Oh well. I guess my father is still mad at me because I'm transferred to the 'worst' class in school, mom was mad for about 3 hours, and then left it be.

They would understand, and probably be proud of me, if they knew why am I transferring class right now. School officially started around a month ago, so why is everything happening now? I can't tell them, it's a big secret, besides our chairman and students in class 3-E no one else is supposed to know that.

After I ate my breakfast, I got my school bag and went outside. There waited for me my personal driver. You could probably guess, we're rich and well known family here in Japan. My driver, Akasuki (fun fact: Akasuki in Japanese actually means bright helper), warmly smiled at me and then opened the door for me to enter. The whole drive to school isn't that long, around 20 minutes considering that I live in elite part of city, and there is basically no civilization, this is big part of city only for the richest people, and everything is like big forest with mansions. Our first neighbors are the Asano family, and they're around 2 kilometers away from us.

When I arrived at the bottom of hill, I saw Karma waiting for me. We decided it would be the best if we go together there. I got out of the car and approached him. We greeted each other and then started walking to our new classroom.

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