~chapter 2~

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"so (l/n) what have you done to be sent here?" Akabane looked at me and asked me while we were walking towards our new classroom.
"to be honest, practically nothing, I guess I'm just too smart so they sent me here to help others with killing that monster" I shrugged.
"how come?" he asked again.
"well my IQ is around 175, I pretty much know how to plan everything and I use tactics everywhere, we don't have much time to kill it, so I guess they wanted that done as soon as we can" I said and he just nodded.
"well I'm here because-" he started but I cut him off.
"I know why are you here, Akabane Karma, schools famous troublemaker, why are you so violent?" I looked at him waiting for my answer.
"what, me? Nonsense, I'm really kind person actually" I just looked at him dumbfounded. "you don't believe me? when I did something bad?"
"last week you broke Akira's arm"
"well that was an accident" "It didn't really look like that"

Around 5 minutes later, we reached the top of the hill. There was a, I don't really know what it is, probably our classroom. I looked at Akabane to see what's he doing. He just shrugged and gestured towards the door. "after you little miss perfect" he smiled at what I just rolled my eyes.

We entered the supposed classroom but It was empty, there was no one...
"perfect, what are we supposed to do now?" I sighed.
Akabane was looking around the classroom "I don't know" he shortly said.

I walked towards the window and then looked through it. I saw a lot of people outside, they were practicing with a man. Near them stood an octopus? I guess that's the monster we have to kill.
"oi Akabane, they're outside" I said and looked at Akabane. He walked to the window and stood next to me.
"well would you look at that, come on, we have to make a good first impression" he said and then took my hand and pulled me outside.

We stood at the top of stairs and everyone looked at us. I mean, the wind was blowing  and the light illuminated us so I guess we looked cool.
"okay class, we have two new students with us today, this is (l/n)" he gestured towards me "and this is Akabane" he gestured towards Akabane now. "you can take a pause and meet them" he said and left.

In a blink of an eye everyone was around us. I tried to stay calm because I didn't like attention that much, while on the other hand Akabane was like a sponge for attention, lucky he.
"hi! Welcome to our class, my name's Kayano Kaede it's nice to meet you" said a girl with pretty green hair. Soon enough everyone introduced themselves.
"well you all probably know me, the name's Akabane Karma" Akabane proudly said.
"yeah we quite know you, you're here because of bullying?" asked boy with blue hair, what was his name again? Shiota Nagisa I think.
"well it's not like that but you can say that" Akabane said again.
"you said it like it's something you should be proud of" I said and everyone looked at me.
"and who are you?" asked if I may say really pretty girl with long blonde hair. Mhm Rio Nakamura, I remember her name.
"oh I'm (y/n) (l/n), pleasure to meet you all" I nodded at them.
"wait (y/n) (l/n), like (l/n), the winner of dance competition?" Nakamura suddenly asked again. How did she found out about that, that was nearly ten years ago, I was only five when I won that and I didn't even want to compete,it was all thanks to my parents, I hoped everyone will forget about it...
"yeah, that's me..." I said and scratched the back of my neck. I can tell you, every single girl went crazy after I said that.
"really?! I watched that show when I was five, I was honestly hoping you would win, I was, no I am your big fan!" Rio started fan-girling here, I was a bit uncomfortable but it was okay, I'm glad she likes me.

"so (y/n) what are you doing in this class" Kaede looked at me. I sighed and then explained them everything.

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