The Curse-Prologue

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Bloody Sacrifice


The curse

On the hillside of a Netherlands mountain sat the Sinclair estate. The constant misty cloud that loomed over the ground an early sign of the rough and uncertain future to come to the land. The thick evergreens lush and full of fruit, the fields full of plenty healthy livestock. The Sinclair country at the height of its wealth and fortune.

At the Estate vines covered walls of the castle, standing tall and proud above the village of common people. It's gate heavily guarded day and night by large muscled warriors. The Sinclair family had gained control of a vast amount of land in the Netherlands, it's bloodline known to be calculating and uncaring, able to kill in cold blood.

They were both feared and respected by all who they ruled and the other neighboring counties. Once the late king died of illness his son Vladimir took hold of the throne, the kingdom spiraling into a cold, harsh time as their new young king became full of greed. Not caring of what his actions brought to his subjects or land.

"Sire, I beg of you. I've come seeking aid for my family. We have no money, no food, and-"


The petite peasant girl shrank into the hood of her worn, dust covered cloak. The cloak itself held together by nothing more than patches of cloth, the smell of dirt and sweat drifting from her pores toward Vladimir, his nose crinkling in distaste. Her drawn hood hiding her face from his view.

'The insolent ill mannered rat.' He growled his eyes narrowing on her hidden face. 'Not only is she covered in filth, the potent smell of manure radiating off her filling my castle in her disgusting stench. But she also hides her face from me.'

"And what good would it do me to help you. To help someone so FILTHY and ill mannered." The sire's voice boomed bouncing off the throne rooms walks.

The guards standing up straight at his side and the peasants straightening their backs, eagle eyes staring at the peasant.

"But sire!" The young woman pleaded hysterically the guards instinctively grabbing her by the arms preventing her from getting any closer to the sire.

Her eyes wiped up to meet her sires cold unmoving dark eyes that were over shadowed by his onyx colored black hair, the torches lite in the throne room casting ominous shadows over his face emphasizing his narrow cheek bones and broad chin line. "If not me then at least help my family. I'll do anything!! But-"

"No!" His unwavering voice cut her off, tears spilling from her eyes. "You have nothing to offer me and I would not touch someone such as yourself in even the most dire of situations." he grimaced his full lips pinched together in distaste.

"But I-" she squawked straining against the two burly guards that held her in place.

"Enough of this foolishness." He growled mildly her fingers tapping the arms of his throne in impatience "I grow tired of arguing with you. You seize to amuse me. Guards, take this 'filth' out of my sight." He spat as he crossing his legs resting his head on his left hand, looking away toward one of the torches that hung against the wall in a golden carved holder.

"Of course sire." Both guards simultaneously replied clicking their heels together before dragging the screaming peasant girl behind them. Their muscles flexing as they forced her out of the room her nails sinking into each of their arms drawing a small amount of blood.

"Sire!!!" She wailed trying to dig her heels into the lush carpet covering the room. Her hood falling onto her shoulders as she thrashed trying to twist out of the guards grip. Her long platinum blond hair falling over her shoulders , hazel eyes wide with disbelief.

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