Grandmother-Chapter three

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Chapter three

Someone was knocking on Lily's small apartment door. She groaned covering her head with her thin pillow willing the person to go away. They repeated their knocking, the echoes louder with each knock.

"Alright already! You break my door you pay for it!" She growled ripping the warm sheets off and stomped to the door, she threw the door open in anger.

"Who payed for the apartment?" An elderly lady with short grey hair and warm hazel eyes asked, the wrinkles on her face crinkled together as she smiled.

"Grandmother?" Lily looked at the short large woman in surprise.

"Who else?" The round elderly woman bounced inside. "Really now Lilian, I give you a monthly allowance of 20,000 dollars and this is what you show me?" She tisked looking around the modest one bedroom apartment.

"I'm saving for emergencies." Lily answered shutting the door behind her inwardly groaning as her grandmother called her 'Lilian'.

"Fiddle sticks!" She waved her hand at Lily and walked into Lily's room.

"My goodness girl! Have the decency to buy clothes!" She tisked as she immediately raided Lily's closet, tossing her various shirts and jeans off their hangers and on the floor.

"I do have clothes." Lily sighed squatting to pick up the garments that were carelessly tossed.

"These aren't clothes these are garbage." She scoffed and turned to Lily who was still trying to pick up the mess her grandmother had created.

"That's it. I've made up my mind. You're coming with me." She had her hands on her hips a firm look of authority in her hazel eyes.

"What? No!" Lily jumped up, her tall form towering over her small round grandmother. "I will NOT go with you!"

"But you'll absolutely adore the room I've already prepared for you!" She cooed, "The Netherlands won't seem as bad as you make it out to be."

"No. I'm not leaving."

"If it's about Sophie she'll visit often do you don't have to worry about a thing!" She waved her hands at Lily as if she was missing something, "She can come with us for a bit and I'll have her take a jet here later." She beamed, having everything planned.

"I'll get my things." Lily sighed resenting she had to leave her only true friend she had.

"You will do no such thing!" Her grandmother practically pushed her out of her apartment, "I will have none of these rags you call 'clothing' in my house. Do you even know what a dress is? Make-up?" She ranted frustrated at me not being a daisy kind of girl.

Lily sighed letting herself be pushed out of her home, "Yes, granny I do."

"Good. Because I expect you to act more like a girl and not some... Boy." She scoffed. "Now get in the car." She gave Lily a final push almost sending her right into the closed door of a glossy white limousine which drew attention from all the middle-class locals.

"Limousine." Lily muttered correcting her.

"Car. Now get in." Her grandmother yanked the door open and pushed Lily in who simply sighed.

"Right." She muttered sitting on the plush leather seat, already she was tired and dreading what the future would hold.

* * *

Lily laid sprawled onto of the large expensive king size bed, the soft silk comforters where a cream colored gold with intricate details hand sown onto it. The large room she was in was decorated with expensive things such as painting made by famous old painters, vases, and a closet full of high end designers. Ever thing in the room was decorated courtesy of her dear grandmother. Needless to say in Lily's eyes everything was too extravagant and a waste of money and space for her taste.

Lily let out a sigh for the millionth time in the last hour. Sophie was Being flown in on the weekend so she wouldn't miss school or anything. Which meant Lily had until then to fill in the growing boredom brought from being flown into the large Netherlands mountains where nothing happened.

Her grandmother had this large mansion built just recently to accommodate the two of them. It was built on deserted ground and she'd had to fight with the locals to have the project accepted. Again, another waste of time, money, and space for Lily but not her grandmother.

~short flashback~

Earlier during the jet ride her grandmother sat laughing in her seat, "Can you believe it. They wouldn't let me build at first because of some silly legend!"

"Legend?" Lily asked gladly accepting any conversation at that point.

"Yes! Why some hola balu about some werewolf demon that runs through those woods and goes around killing people." She laughed again.

"Werewolf demon?" Lily asked something about that sparking a memory in the back of her mind.

"Yes. Some legend about a family named.. Sinclam?.. Sincarl?" She muttered forgetting the name.

"Sinclair?" Lily asked sitting up straight now remembering that story her mother had told her the night before the tragedy had occurred.

"That's it! Oh that reminds me of a story my mother told me, and I told you're mother. It goes like this, once there was.." Her buoyant face dulled a little when she spoke about mother.

Lily gently touched the bracelet on her wrist, it was a bracelet her mother had left behind. The cool chain of the bracelet calmed her uneasy thoughts and brought a faint smile of her face.

~Flashback over~

Lily sat up from the bed remembering about the jet ride.

'Sinclair legend was it.' She mulled the thought over and exited her new room to go and pay the small town a visit.

She didn't believe the legend or the story her mother told her years ago but she felt compelled to investigate. Not just to kill time but also to find out more about the last story her mother told her.

"Here I come Vladimir." Lily muttered with a chuckle of amusement thinking about the legend.


Ah!!!! Will she find him? Will he find HER!? What's going to happen?! And the villagers... Are they those creepy antisocial people or what kind of people are they to be haunted by a werewolf prowling in their mists? Wait and find out!!!

Sorry if it might be short but the next one will be longer with both of Vladimir and Lily edging closer to their meeting ;)



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