Close Call-Chapter five

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Close Call

Chapter five

Her muscles bunched themselves, her whole body tensing. Maybe if she didn’t move it wouldn’t notice her. She remained perfectly still under the large wolf’s dark gaze. The wolf snorted and continued to stare right at her, it took a step forward making Lily jolt.

‘No!’ she watched the creature approach her slowly.

She was going to die.. by the hands of this beast and all that anyone will find would be her scattered remains, if he hadn’t devoured all of her that is. As if sensing her fear the animal tensed ready to pounce onto her.

‘No..!’ again she repeated only this time she felt her determination surpass her fear.

The giant wolf leaped forward and in that same instant Lily leaped forward and rolled underneath him as he was still in midair. Landing on her feet she jumped up and didn’t waste any time in sprinting down the corridor to what she hoped was an exit.

The wolf skid on the rug falling forward, not expecting the little mouse to run. It shook its head before whipping its head around to see Lily run away. Still running Lily could hear the loud thumps the wolf’s large paws made against the floor. Rounding a corner she pumped her legs faster she knew she was ahead of him but not by much. Running down the endless hallway she stopped to try opening any and all doors she came across, every single one of them locked.

‘Come on!’ she jiggled the handle of her sixth door, ‘Come on!’ she chanted trying the seventh, which to her relief gave way, swinging itself open. ‘Yes!!’ she cheered, tears practically falling from her eyes.

She ran inside, slamming the door behind her, hoping it would slow down the giant beast or at least falter its desire to continue the chase. Whirling in a full circle to take in the surrounding of the room she found the door had led to a large library, or study. Had it not been for the beast chasing her she would have taken longer to gasp in awe at the sheer size of the place, the tall dark colored bookshelves aligned with an endless supply of books. A deep snarl told her the beast was closing in on her.

She ran deeper into the library looking for somewhere she could hide. To her dismay before she could find a hiding spot the loud frightening sound of wood splitting into tiny pieces pierced her ears. Behind her several of the rows of bookshelves fell over each like a row of dominos. She continued to run through the rows of bookshelves until she found herself cage in between the far wall, no left for her to run.

The loud sound of pounding paws drew closer than before; with shaky hands she pulled books off their proper place, readying ammo in her arms. The beast released a loud snarl making her turn with books wrapped in her arms, ready to use them as weapon, desperation driving her at this point. She backed up, fear clutched around her frantically beating heart. She took only three steps before she fell backwards, the bookshelf that should have been behind her no longer there. A scream tumbled past her lips, falling backward into what fell like a step slide of darkness. The light from the opening above her slid shut, the bookshelf blocking all source of light as she slid deeper into the dark abyss.

           Vladimir was out about in the woods trying to kill time in his life of never ending boredom. His same daily routine had already become boring to him. And in the vacant mountains of the Netherlands the vacant landscape of ridged mountain slopes and trees that blocked the paths of travels the only thing that kept him from complete boredom was watching the many tourists that traveled to see his home.

He released a soft sigh. The soft earth gave way beneath his heavy footsteps, leaving a large visible print of where he stepped. The stars were shining in the sky, looking at them he noticed that even after all the changes that continued to occur in the world the only thing that’s never change in his vast two hundred years of life was the moon that provided life to all the creatures that roamed in the night.

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