Bordeline Obsession

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You stood in the classroom, dusting off your uniform before glancing at your reflection in the window.

You swallowed nervously, ever-so-often glancing at the clock to make sure Oikawa wasn't late. You'd sent him a text about an hour before, telling him a time and place to meet you.

The classroom door opened.

Your eyes lit up, watching as Oikawa casually strolled in, gently panting as he'd just returned from practice.
You lowered your head, hearing him cheerfully say, "Hey, Y/N! What's up?"


He rested his back against the desk table, tossing his back to the side with a weary expression.
"So, what was so important you needed to tell me at-.." He checked the clock, "Six-o-three in the evening?"

You scratched the back of your neck.

"I care about you, so I'm going to put it bluntly." Your e/c eyes closed, guilt coursing in your system, "I-.. I think we need to cool everything off between us."

Oikawa's expression dropped.

He scoffed, unsure on if you were joking or not, "Excuse me?"

Your shoulders shrugged, "We were better off as friends, Tooru: I feel like we can both agree on that. You've been my friend for years; I don't want there to be any bad blood between us, which is why I'm saying this sooner, rather than later."

Oikawa scoffed, a disgusted glare in his eyes.

No girl broke up with 'the' Oikawa Tooru.

No girl would even dare to.

He was famous for his charm: his natural, good looks: his talent. Girls dreamed of him falling for them, and you used to be one of them: or at least..

that was until you'd locked lips with, Iwaizumi Hajime: his best friend, and also yours.

You swallowed, adjusting your skirt, "I'm sorry, truly. You mean a lot to me, just not like that anym-"

"It's Iwa, isn't it?"


"He's said something to you, hasn't he?" His eyes were wide, his fists curled together against the wooden desk, "I can tell; you look at him differently now than when you used to.. You used to be obsessed with me. What changed?"

Your eyebrows furrowed together, "God-.. I was not obsessed with you."

"Please. You're embarrassing yourself by saying that."

You scoffed with a small gasp, shaking your head, "I had an innocent crush on you: you make it sound like I was one of your stupid fan-girls."

Oikawa snickered mockingly as if what you had said was completely ridiculous, "Hah! Can you hear yourself, Y/N? You sound so stupid.. If I had known you would be this jealous, I would've never asked you out in the first place."


"Mhm. Jealous." His glare turned colder, less innocent than what you were used to, "That is why you're doing all this, right? Because you were jealous of the way I acted with my fans. So in retaliation, you were trying to make me jealous by flirting with Iwa? Don't act like you're not aware that I've notice-!"

You took an angered step forward, "I was not jealous! Stop being such a dick, Oikawa."

"Well, if you think this bothers me, you're wrong."

Your eyes rolled, picking up your bag to leave, "Whatever. I'm leaving now, you're just being childi-"

"He can't be with you, you know, not in the way that you want him to be with you."

You froze in place, feeling your it fingers weaken around the grip of your bag, "Ex-..cuse me?"

Both of you stayed in silence for a few moments, the tension thick in the air and intoxicating your lungs.

You were going to ask who he was referring to, but given that name he'd mentioned previously it seemed pointless. You felt your lip crack into a short frown, before you rose your head to stop yourself from reacting.

You looked at him from over your shoulder, "What are you talking about?" You finally broke the silence.

His brown eyes rolled, beginning to pick up his bag, "He won't tell you what he's told me because he doesn't have the guts, but let's just say: if you don't want your heart broken, don't bother falling for him."

He turned his back to leave, however, you grabbed onto the cuff of his sleeve before he had the chance.
Your eyebrows twitched together, "Explain. Now."

He shrugged you away, his lips finally being allowed into a frown as his voice softened, "I really liked you.. Y/N." He lowered his head, finally allowing his own pride to vanish before your eyes as your fingers slipped from his shirt, "And that's why I'm warning you. I can't tell you anything else."

"Warning me about what?" You raised your voice.

"Iwa is moving." Oikawa finally blurted out as you felt your heart drop.

"What.. are you talking about?"

His brown eyes rolled, taking a step back as he slouched against the chair, "He got into that collage: out of Country. He's leaving right after the dance, only a day or so."

Your muscles all tensed.

Your throat completely tightened.

You scoffed, "You're lying." You forced a confident demeanour to overshadow your anxiety, "It's-.. not funny. Iwa's my best friend he would've told me if he was moving.."

Your stomach physically churned at the thought of him leaving.

You sighed; he swallowed.

He ran his fingers through the brunette tips of his hair, "I'm sorry: I didn't mean that stuff about my fan-girls.. honestly. I just got.. annoyed, that's all."

You shrugged your shoulders, refusing to give him a reply.

"And-.." Your now ex-boyfriend carried on, his eyes slowly locking onto yours, "If you don't believe me, ask Iwa yourself, Y/N. If you're quick enough, he still might be in the gym."

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