The House Party

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A few hours later,

You furrowed your eyebrows, placing a finger on your lip as your eyes darted between two different outfits for the party, your hair still yet to be styled.

"I can't decide between these two outfits.." You mumbled as Kiyoko carefully painted her nails on the opposite side of the room.

"I can help," Your friend replied, nudging you out of the way as she analysed the two outfits you had chosen, "The first one would be better for a dinner party, not a house party.."

"So do you think the second one is better for a party?"

"Try it on and show me." She ordered you, turning around as she carried on painting her nails a light shade of cherry-pink.

You threw your school uniform to the ground, slipping into the short, tight dress you had brought a couple weeks prior.

You looked in the mirror as you analysed your appearance: telling Kiyoko to turn around as she zipped you up, her cold fingers making your skin shiver.

She stood away, looking you up and down with one of her infamous, warm smiled, "You look so pretty, you should wear it."

"You think so?"

You glanced at Kiyoko: she was smoothing the rims of her jacket, her blue dress that matched her eyes being curled at the ends, flattering her figure.

The dress you'd brought was tight fitted around your waist and thighs, much shorter than you'd worn in the past. It was a dark red that complimented your skin tone, and had thin straps over your shoulders.

You felt.. really pretty.

Kiyoko gestured for you to get your things ready as she called a taxi for you both, before you ran down the stairs of your house, telling your mom that you were 'going to study at Michimiya's' and you would be staying there for the night too.

The sun had already set, your legs beginning to shake with both anxiety and excitement as you listened to the radio of the taxi.
You nodded your head to the rhythm, already able to hear the music from the party just a few streets away.

You payed the taxi before anxiously exiting the car, being quickly met with the strong smell of alcohol that leaked in the air, intoxicating your tongue.

It was a huge house that was blasting music, however was slightly deserted from their neighbours so they could get away with it.

Beaming lights were coming from the living room windows, people your age dancing and singing along to the different songs, playing party games that almost all involved drinking.

You swallowed before feeling Kiyoko's hand slip into yours, gently holding onto you as you both walked up the steps to the houses porch.

"Yo, L/N!" A familiar, hoarse voice called your name as you instantly turned around to see who it was, "You came! I knew you wouldn't let me down.."

Matsukawa's drunken arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into a loose hug as he mumbled things into your neck that you couldn't understand.

You smiled at him, pulling him away with his hands still against your collar for balance, "You reek of beer.." You snickered as he gave one of his infamous smirks, "Have you seen Iwa? I told him I'd come find him when we arrived."

𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄,   𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢  Where stories live. Discover now