t h r e e

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Elizabeth let out a deep sigh for what would most likely be the millionth time, lounging in the chair across from Amber, her contact with the government.

She had pulled herself together during lunch, flashed her face around in small talk with the crew, and snuck off to the officer's lounge.

"Will you stop that?" Amber snapped, flipping half of her carrot-orange hair over her shoulder.

Elizabeth held in her retort, the words dancing on the tip of her tongue. If all went well, this would have been the last meeting she would ever have to survive with the insufferable monsters. She would tell the international affairs of the Amphitrite and Amber would give up the location of her family. Simple as that.

Only Elizabeth was cautious enough to know that wasn't how it was going to go. She would give it all up and Amber would send her on another mission, claiming that they, "Have millions of people who would kill for the opportunities you are being offered right now. A few years of information to save your family from the wrath of the Commander? Millions would kill for that!"

Elizabeth just leaned back in her rolling chair and pointedly cleared her throat. Twice.

She was seated in a small office with barely enough room for a small table, two chairs, and a file cabinet. The walls were painted a suffocating neon orange with a rug on the floor she was positive even Huxly could point flaws in.

Three picture frames hung on the wall to the left of Elizabeth, the top one of Amber, the middle one of Amber hugging a man, and the third one of two children embracing each other.

"Okay," Amber said, slinging the drawer shut and turning to Elizabeth. "What do you have for me?"

Elizabeth crossed her arms. "My family first."

Amber sighed and spoke again, this time slowly as if speaking to a child. "What do you have for me?"

Leaning forward, elbows on the desk and everything, Elizabeth mimicked Amber's pose and ignored her heart thundering in her chest. "I won't repeat myself."

Amber rolled her eyes and cursed under her breath. 

"Pardon me," Elizabeth said sweetly. "I didn't quite catch that last part." She smiled. 

"It's nothing. I'll give you the location of your family when I can verify the information."

Elizabeth hesitated. She knew the second she spilled, she would have no leverage, but the woman's gaze from across from her did not falter.

"How do I know you will keep your word?"

"You don't," Amber said simply.

A muscle tightened in Elizabeth's jaw. She felt certain she'd crack one of her teeth in these meetings with Amber. 

"This relationship is built on trust, so you have to trust me. If you give me valuable information, you'll have your family."

Elizabeth glared. "Trust goes both ways."

Amber shrugged. "You could always keep it to yourself and never hear from your family again." Amber stood up, collecting the papers on her desk and shuffling them into a manilla folder. "I heard it's your sister's birthday next week," she said casually. "You wouldn't want to miss that, would you?"

Elizabeth lunged across the desk. Amber flinched back slightly but smirked when Elizabeth held herself back.

"Go on," she prompted. "Punch me. Throttle me. Hell, kill me." She smiled again, sickly sweet. Elizabeth was beginning to hate that smile "You'll never see your parents again. Or your sister."

Elizabeth slowly sat back down, every vein in her body pulsing with anger.

"That's what I thought. The affairs?"

Elizabeth sighed through her too-tight lungs. "They're fine."

She spoke in a hushed tone, relaying every plan and every secret and every number word for word from the files. Every bit of it.

Amber listed attentively, stopping once or twice to jot notes down before resuming her attention.

"Thank you," Amber said a few minutes later. "Now was that so hard?"

"My. Family."

Amber smirked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Now about that. What information you gave us is helpful, no doubt about it, but it doesn't fit what we asked you."

Elizabeth clenched her fists under the desk. "You asked me for files titled Internal Affairs."

"That is correct." Amber shifted in her chair, fully facing Elizabeth. "You are, as a matter of fact, correct. However, our deal was you bring us something we can use to overthrow the Amphitrite, and we'll release your family. While this is helpful, it doesn't prove felony."

"Because they did not commit a felony!"

"I don't care. That is your job. If you want your family, complete it." With that, Amber stood up, sticking her hand out. "Until next time, ma'am."

Elizabeth ignored the hand and stormed out of the office. She could feel her blood boiling beneath her skin, her cheeks turn that deep crimson she knew they always did when she was mad.

She forced herself to turn into an alleyway and lean against the concrete.


In. Out.




Elizabeth would go back to the Amphitrite. She had no other choice.

But she would not forget Amber. She would get her back for that, she knew she would. Just like wraiths do. Slink in the shadows, in the background until its prey forgets about them, forget they are lurking there, fangs oozing in blood.

And when Amber would forget, Elizabeth would be ready. 

part three! 

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part three! 

since this is a short story there are only six parts, so what do you think of it so far? 

we know more about Elizabeth and why she's doing what she's doing. as a matter of fact do you even know what she's doing lol 

i hope it was clear but idk 

plz comment, vote, and dm me! i love talking to yall 

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