•..Suffocating Water..•

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[Keith Kogane]
Lance.. he seemed so different from all the therapists i've seen.. he's so gentle. it's weird.

Keith, focus. you know what he's here to do, don't you? he's here to fix you. you don't need fixing. tell him that before you fall, alright? remember what happened last time? you don't want that to happen again. tell him you don't need fixing, now.

"keith, buddy, you alright- you were zoning out and i-"

"lance, you're here to try and fix me aren't you?"

a wave of silence crashed into the room, drowning us in it. it was captivating, suffocating, i hated it.

"fix you? what- no! i'm here to get to know you as a person. not by your problems or trauma." Lance said, finally pulling out the plug so the suffocating water that drowned us would drain away in a more comfortable, shallow water. where we could breathe and not grasp on to every bit of air that left our lungs.

"good, because i don't need fixing lance. i'm not a toy, i can't break." i said, maybe a bit too aggressive because it pulled us deeper into the suffocating water that drowned us minutes before.

he stared at me like i was the one who decided it was a good idea to go swimming.

"why would you think that? we haven't even know each other for 10 minutes and you're already questioning me." Lance says, it sounds like he's drowning.

"i don't know, it just seemed like you thought i needed fixing." i'm not drowning.

"you're not a window, you don't break if someone hits you too hard. you're a human, keith. you crack, and crumble. fall, and stumble. but you seem like the type to get back up. so yeah, you're not a toy who needs to be fixed. you're a cracked window that needs to be helped." He said that like the reason he was drowning was because he didn't know what to say. like he was searching the bottom of the suffocating water to find words to come back up to float on.

there was silence, a nice silence. we're both floating on Lance's words, trying so hard to grasp back the air we lost on our way back to the surface.

I hate swimming..

[Lance Sánchez]
i thought for a second before realizing what was happening.

his eyes, bright purple.. beautiful, were staring daggers into my ocean blue ones.

he didn't hate me, did he?

i felt like running away, i was good at it. i've always had been, always will be. it's the only way i can avoid things i don't want to mess with.

[Third Person]
Lance sat there, deep in thought while Keith looked into his eyes.

Keith was now drowning, he was drowning in trust, something he never thought he'd be drowning in.

"so.. did they give- *tic* did they give you that file thing? i had to sit through an hour long interview for that.." Keith said, finally breaking the silence so he could remember how to breath again..

"huh? oh- the- yeah! the file.. yep! i was meant to read the whole thing, so it would make on why they interviewed you for it.." Lance trailed off at the end, but made his (shaky) point.

the reason the brunette trailed off is because that's when he saw Keith's art wall. the black wall was filled with different paintings, sketches, and there was some blank squares. each square told a different story. he could tell that, even as inexperienced as he was, he could still tell.

Keith made a mental note into filling up one of those squares with the "Suffocating Water" thing.. it was the perfect way to describe their first full day together.


[To Be Continued..]

{634 Words}

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