~"He's.. different."~

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~Lance's POV~

Okay- okay.. I've been reading this information for over an hour.. I need more to understand him the way that I need too.

"Hey Lance.. who'd you get? I got a guy named Shiro.."

"Really? I got a girl named Shay"

"Oh- I got a guy named Keith."

Pidge was surprised.
"Really? Rumors say that he went here last year."

"Wait really? What happened" Hunk asked, he's such a sweetheart.. it's sickening.

"Apparently there was this Asshole named Lotor or some shit and he was messing around with a girl named Allura who Matt got btw. And Keith got mad and lashed out. Lotor was in the hospital for a month.." She explained.. wtf- a whole month!? Damn..

"W-wow! I feel terrible.."

"Same.." This guy is gonna be a fucking handful.

~Keith's POV~
I hear a slight knock on my door, it's around 10 am by now. I haven't checked the clock for a while though.


"Let me in, please."

Ah, it was Shiro. That makes sense.


The door swings open, he sits on my bed the same way he does every time he comes in my room.

Bold = Shiro
Non-Bold = Keith

"Did you need something?"
"I wanna talk about the people who are coming tomorrow."
"Wh- w- why..?"
"Because I need to make sure you'll be okay.."
"I'll be fine. I always am."
"Still.. anyways, have you eaten?"
"Have you had any water?"
"Keith.. have you..?"
"Not today.."
"Okay. Good.. I'll be leaving and I'll tell the nurse to bring you some food."
"Okay.. bye."

He leaves, slowly- but surely.

I haven't been told anything about the person who's watching over me- or- "fixing" me.

All that I know is that his name is Lance Sánches, he's 17 and 6'0. And that's it.

All I can say is that, I am not excited.

~Lance's POV~
I ended up going to Mr. Coran and asking him for more information. I got another folder.

Additional Information for Lance Sánches:
Keith Kogane's parents died in a fire when he was 4. The fire burned his house and everything in it. It gave him multiple scars, mentally and physically. It was the first thing that made him the way he is.

He was put into foster care and got put into multiple foster homes, some being good- some being abusive.

~After Reading the Information~
Damn.. I feel bad.

It's already 11 pm, I need to sleep.

~The next day~
I woke up, I already wanna go back to bed.

But, I can't. 

Today's the big day.. the day I meet Keith. I don't know how its gonna go, honestly. It's scary because if he doesn't like me, it's gonna be hella awkward. I have to work with him for a whole year. Well- 9 months to be exact. School years here are 15 months. So around a year and 3 months. 

♡︎𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙝𝙖𝙗 𝘾𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧, 𝙆𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚♡︎Where stories live. Discover now