«boys will be boys..»

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listen to the song above, it's a good song and it'll make sense if you read and listen.
tw: mentions of sexual assault, r@pe, sexual abuse.
proceed at your own risk, thank you. <3

[Lance Sánchez]
"boys will be boys" a phrase that's always confused me, maybe it was because i was raised in a house full of girls and feminists. i was raised around women who never seemed like they needed the men that they had. the first time i had ever heard the phrase, i was in middle school. it was in the 6th grade hallway when Maggie Warner got her barely developed boobs touched by an 8th grader who thought he owned everyone. she screamed at him and told him to "leave her the fuck alone" before our history teacher came out and told her to be quiet and that "the boys are just being boys, maggie."

i asked my mother what it meant when i got home, what she said has been something that never really changed what happened but it changed my opinion on that 8th grader and our history teacher.

"that phrase is used by little boys who want an excuse to use women for something they cannot control, don't be a little boy Lance, be a man."

i've tried to be a man, and it's quite easy. being nice to women isn't difficult, and seeing their worth isn't difficult either. but it scared me when Keith said what he did. i never really thought about the fact that some men are seen as "feminine" and get treated like women. not until i met Keith. 

"i was.. in 4th grade when my gym teacher forced his dick down my throat and then laughed when i gagged on it. i was in 7th grade when my foster brother stole my virginity for being too feminine. i was a freshman in high school when i punched a guy in the face when he tried to pull me into the janitors closet and show me what my life would be like if i kept presenting so feminine-ly. i learned how to protect myself before i had turned 15, Lance. the world is hard on people who don't fit into the gender binaries we've forced into the minds of these people. Allura was sexually abused by her father for years before she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. her father dropped her after he found out. boys will be boys towards anyone they want to be, and then they'll use that excuse to protect themselves."

i guess i never realized how bad these people's lives had to be to end up here.

my mind raced as i got back into the bus that had brought me here, it was only the third day of the 9 months that me and keith had to spend together. i couldn't wait, but then again i never wanted these 9 months to go by. i never wanted them to really start a few days ago, and i didn't want them to end any time soon.

keith was confusing, but i think he's starting to warm up to me.

"boys will be boys"


i don't know,, will they?

[To Be Continued..]
{540 words..}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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