You can talk?

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Sorry it took forever and is short.  I've been really stressed.  Especially since it's near the end of the year. 

Y/n's pov

" We need to find our parents and stop the take over" I say.  "Are you nuts "? Wildcard asked.  " let the adults stop the take over " Wildcard said.  I just stared at him.  " Face maker and I are going to find our parents " Wildcard said.  " We are " ? Asked a confused Facemaker.  "GOOD LUCK WILDCARD"! I shouted after him. " what can you do some people just.." Missy said.   " forget him" said Wheels. 

"Y/n can you melt the chains?" Missy asked.  " Sure just give me a couple seconds. " I reply. 
" Guppy, Y/n  listen to me shark frenzy " Missy said as she smiles and starts attacking the aliens. 

Timeskip to when the force filed comes up. 

" We're the only one's here" said A Capella . " Who did this " I ask.
From behind us we here someone say I did.


Hi guys sorry for the short chapter and that it took so long to come out.

Random facts about me

1. I'm a little kid at heart ❤.
2. My favorite animal is wolves
I'm not sure what else to put

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