9. Slip of the Tongue

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Sophia, 1977

Sixth Year

"Whatcha got there?" Lily asked from behind me, her chin resting on my shoulder. 

"Letter from Maisie. Ooo, there's a photo too!" I said. It was a picture of Maisie and baby Penelope, though it wasn't a moving photo. I pushed up my glasses looking closer. My face flushed as I felt the weight and warmth of a second person standing behind me, mirroring Lily's action. 

I knew by the woodsy smell of pine and coffee and parchment that it was Remus. His face was impossibly close to me, tickling my skin each time he exhaled. 

"Whatcha doing?" He asked playfully. I swallowed hard, inhaling sharply at his close proximity. 

"Mais... letter. Maisie sent a letter." I managed to eventually get out. He chuckled at my sudden nerves. 

"Are those photos of her and Penelope?" Remus reached forward, carefully holding the photo.

"Mmhmm." I nodded. Lily snorted, laughing from her spot also resting on my shoulder. I gently nudged her, rolling my eyes. She made little kissy noises, puckering her lips. 

"Sod off." I grimaced, hoping Remus was too distracted to notice Lily. 

"Hmm?" The boy hummed, confirming that he had indeed heard me. 

"Nothing!" I exclaimed, cartoonishly stepping away from him. Lily continued to pull her shit-eating grin as I rolled my eyes. 

"Are you lot hungry? I was thinking of popping down to the Great Hall." Remus asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet. 

"Sounds fun. What time is it?" Lily replied, checking the watch on Remus's wrist. "Oh, alright, 12:40." I gasped, yanking Remus's arm to stare at his watch. 

"Shit," I muttered. 

"Problem?" Lily teased as I began to jog down the hall.

"Late for detention with Sprout!" I called back, grimacing as the pair laughed. I bounded into the Greenhouse to be met with Professor Sprout.

"Ah, Sophia, lovely of you to join us." I chuckled, catching my breath, seeing there was no one else present. 

"Sorry. Lost track of time." I replied, getting to work with tending to the Mandrakes. 

"Not to worry, dear."


I had spent the hour peacefully making my way around the greenhouse, checking in on each plant. I had always found Herbology to come naturally and ever enjoyable while most of my peers found it boring and unnecessary. 

Professor Sprout being the head of Hufflepuff didn't hurt either. She was lovely company, always looking to hear the latest news around Hogwarts, complaining about her workload of papers to grade, and being genuinely interested in hearing what her students had to say. 

It was refreshing from the parents who didn't pay much mind to anything I told them.

"Did Maisie send any photos?" Professor Sprout asked while she watered a pot of Gillyweed. 

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