11. Don't Be An Asshole

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Warnings: mentions of violence, Lucious being a dick, swearing

Sophia, 1977

Sixth Year

My mind was racing as I stomped through the halls and out into the courtyard looking for Lucious. I saw red and nothing was comprehending logically as I shoved my way through students to find the bastard laughing and jeering with a group of people, imitating Maisie.

"Hey, Mildew!" I called. He turned around, his ridiculous blonde hair swaying.

"Oh, hello Potter! Come to see the reenactment?" He boasted. Without stopping or even thinking, I pulled my arm back, curling my fingers into a fist. While Lucious was distracted, I swung my arm hard slugging him in the face.

People surrounding us gasped as he fell to the ground. I was immensely impressed with my own strength at the moment. I turned on my heel, cradling my surely injured hand, ready to walk away before Lucious pitifully muttered something.

"Crazy bitch." I stopped short, spun around again, and stormed back over. Without saying anything, I placed my foot on his chest, leaning down all of my weight before crouching own to reach him. Lucious cried out, gasping.

"If you ever dare go near her again, I swear to Merlin I will personally make sure that you never sleep with both eyes closed ever again. Got it?" I sneered, digging my heel into the upper part of his chest. He whimpered pathetically, nodding.

"Good." I released my hold on him, storming off again.


I splashed water in my face several times before looking up at the mirror. I was seething from my encounter with Lucious and from the idea of anyone even thinking about hurting Maisie. It completely baffled me to think about the possibility of people not liking her. How could that even be?! She is a wonderfully charismatic and loyal person and lights up every room she walks into.

It's just rubbish. When I got a grip on my angry inhaling, I wiped my face and fixed my glasses. I wrapped a damp towel around my bleeding and swollen knuckles. Leaving the bathroom, I headed in the direction of the kitchens. When I arrived, I was greeted by a few house elves.

"Greetings, Miss Potter!" Daisy had said to me. I smiled tightly, still diffusing my horrendous mood.

"Hello, Daisy, how are you?" I asked. She smiled, nodding. "I was wondering if I could put together a little tray for Maisie? She's not feeling her best." I explained. Daisy didn't hesitate for a moment to nod her head, pointing me in the direction of trays and treats to fill them.

"Thank you very much." I worked quickly and silently to fill a tray of Maisie's favourite treats and pastries, adding a mug of Butterbeer I had found stashed in the back of a fridge. I arranged everything neatly, wincing when I put too much weight on my hand and thanked Daisy once again for her help. I figured everyone would be gathered in the Gryffindor common room or at least in the Tower.

I gave the current password to the portrait on the door, somewhat interrupting her opera. I didn't find Maisie in the common room but I did find Lily, Remus, and James.

"She's up in our room, Soph. And Merlin, what happened to your hand?" James said just as I opened my mouth. I smirked.

"Yeah? And where's Sirius?" I received three smirks in return.

"Padfoot's up with her." I smiled widely, cheering silently as I made my way up the stairs. When I arrived, the door was popped open. I gently nudged it open further and was greeted with the sweetest of sights:

Sirius was sitting against his headboard with Maisie sitting in his lap, leaning against his chest. His chin rested on her shoulder as he painted her nails, his tongue popping out from the corner of his mouth in concentration. Maisie was dressed in his jumper and a pair of trousers.

The door creaked as I opened it, drawing their attention to me. "Sorry to intrude, I brought you some things." I said. Maisie smiled tiredly. I hadn't expected her to get up so I walked over, placing the tray on Sirius's desk.

"None of it will spoil so you can eat it whenever and fair warning, I found that butterbeer in the back of a fridge, so drink at your own risk." This made both Sirius and Maisie shake with laughter, to which I smiled widely.

"Thank you, Soph, this is lovely- what happened to your hand?!" Maisie replied. I waited for Sirius to look back down at the task at hand (pun absolutely intended) before winking at Maisie who blushed furiously.

"Just had to take care of a little pest. I'll see you later? I know you're in good hands." I said, laughing as Maisie only managed to grit her teeth and blush harder. I blew her a kiss before leaving the room, closing the door behind me. I skipped back down the steps, plopping myself down on a couch next to Lily.

"Well that was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen." I blurted, gaining my friends' attention. The three of them burst into scattered conversation about how sweet it was and how had been rooting for this for a while. I laughed, nodding in agreement, trying to ignore the throbbing of my hand. We stayed and chatted for a while until the time ticked down to Prefect Rounds. Remus stood, bumping my leg, signaling for me to get up too.

"Don't have too much fun kids!" James called after us. I rolled my eyes, grabbing the first pillow I spotted and tossing it at him.

"Yeah? Same for you. I'm not old enough to be an Aunt." James's face reddened as he looked down. Lily was also shifting around, flustered. I smirked at him. Mission success.

"Maisie's alright, yeah? I saw her but didn't really talk much, I didn't want to interfere." I said. Remus smiled softly.

"Yes, she's alright now. Bloody gits." He muttered in reference to Lucious and his band of idiots. "Heard you gave Lucious a real shiner." He quipped, bumping my shoulder with his own. I bit back a smile, nodding while I stared at the ground.

"I may have." Remus noticed my hand faster than I did. I had been so fired up on adrenaline that I failed to notice by bruised and bleeding hand.

"Merlin, Sophia." He breathed, pulling me towards the nearest bathroom.

"It's really not that bad, I didn't even notice." I tried and failed to hide a wince from him as I bumped my hand into something. Remus gave me a knowing look that made my heart melt. Entering the first bathroom we saw, he patted the sink counter, to which I attempted to hoist myself up onto but couldn't. Too high up and too much weight on my hand.

Without saying anything, Remus put his hands beneath my arms and effortlessly lifted my frame up to sit on the counter. My face was warm as he let go, turning to find a towel. There were no words spoken as he patted at my hand with a warmly damp towel. When everything was cleaned up, Remus muttered a healing spell and we watched as my hand returned to normal.

"Thank you, Remus." I said, quietly.

"Anything." I silently screamed to myself while his back was turned from me, reading, albeit foolishly, too far into his words.

"Alright Superwoman, lets go get rounds over with." I jumped down from the counter, nodding.

"Who's superwoman?"


Kind of a filler. But also a catch up from the last chapter so woo hoo. I plan on updating the Twisted Witched Trio soon I've been putting it off for some reason but I feel happy with the current progress being made. Update soon! Don't forget to like/share/comment. Word count: 1320

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