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Bucky's POV:

He couldn't believe his eyes. The woman who saved him from Hydra, they found her. He doesn't think they meant to find her but somehow they did. He felt the wind as he ran against it. Running as fast as he could to where Tony said he had saw her.

He quickly gets there. Staring up at the huge trees standing in front of him. Then he walks into the woods for the first time in years.

"Brooklyn! Brooke ,where are you? It's me! It's Bucky!" He start screaming her name. Hoping, praying that she hears his calls. As he walks farther into the woods, he notices that the trees are closer together and there is way more. Then he finds a clearing. A small circle where there are no trees. It's only big enough for a singular person to stand in the warm sunlight. Thats when he sees it.

He sees rock. Vines and leaves covering it. Smelling the air, He smells smoke. He looks at his feet. The fire had died out a while ago. He pushed back the vines and entered the cave. The cave is small. He notices the lack of furniture.

"I thought she loved carving wood." He says to himself as he walks up the the table. He left the cave and started walking again, screaming Brooklyn's name as he did.

Now it was getting dark. He felt as if he lost her for a second time but he wasn't going to give up that easily. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and called Steve.

"Bucky, what the hell! Where are you?" Steve had panic in his voice. This made Bucky chuckle.

"I'm fine Steve, but I won't be back at the tower tonight and before you ask no I'm not telling you why." Bucky quickly said. He wanted to continue looking for Brooklyn.

"Well alright. Just...Be careful. And if you need you can stay away as long as you like. Just as long as you call me every day so I know you aren't dead." Steve says then hangs up.

"Wow that was rude." Bucky chuckled at himself. He went back to the cave just in time to see a wolf enter the cave.

"Brooklyn." Bucky whispered to himself. he got closer to the cave as quietly as he could. He didn't want to scare her to badly. he then climbed the side of the cave and fell into a deep slumber on the top of the cave.


Morning came very quickly. That was one of the very rare nights that he had no nightmares.

Everything was fine and calm until he heard a gunshot followed by a animal crying out in pain. His mind went to the worst and he sprinted towards the sound. But what he didn't notice was a wolf ran after him. For she had also heard the noise. She reached the animal before Bucky.

Bucky got to the source of the gunshot and saw a gray and white wolf smelling an all gray wolf. he watch in awe as the gray and white wolf smelled the ground and ran. Bucky followed but this time he got there first.

"Hey! You know it's against the law to shoot wolves." Bucky must have scared him cause he jumped at least 3 feet in the air.

"I-I know. I didn't mean it. I was hunting deer and the wolf attacked me. I shot it before it could do any serious damage." The man looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry I scared you. But you should still tell the police. They don't arrest people if its in self defense. You should still tell them and take the wolves body so someone else tells them and they start an investigation." Bucky tells him. All the man does is shake his head and began to walk off back to the dead wolf.

Then Bucky sees another animal. The gray and white wolf. He kneels down in front of it and reaches out a hand. The wolf turns human and jumps on him.

"Bucky! You're alive!" Brooklyn yells as she clung onto him.

"I see Hydra didn't do much damage." He replies chuckling.

"Not at all. How did you find me?" She questions standing up again.

"Tony said he say a girl change from wolf to human. I knew right away that it was you so I asked him where and he said here so I came to find you." Bucky still was overfilled with joy.

"May I ask who Tony is?" She asks.

"Uhhh Yea I guess you have a lot of catching up to do." Bucky tells her.

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