Chapter 2: Xavier Brown

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        "Spirit, are you there?" Courtney asked. The piece moved to a yes and Court asked "Who were we just talking to?" the piece moved to 'YES' and spelt out 'XAVIER BROWN' and we all jumped.

"I know, well used to, know him. Spirit, how did he die?" Violet asked. 'CAR' is what the board said. Violet bursted into tears. "What's wrong?" Courtney asked, concerned. "He died in a car accident." she wiped away her tears with the back of her hand.

"That. Is. Freaky. Okay, spirit, are you Xavier? If not can you get him?" Courtney wanted Violet to talk to Xavier knowing he was close to her. The piece moved all over the board like it was mad at Courtney for asking that but it said 'YES' anyways. Violet had a whole conversation with him. "Are you okay?" She asked.


"I am fine! Oh my, I miss you more than anything! So does the whole neighborhood. Is it fun to be a spirit?"


"Oh gosh I almost forgot! Have you scared ayone?" Violet had the biggest smile ever on her face and it lit up the room, we didn't need candles! Just kidding, they did.


"Hahaha! Oh my gosh! Okay, let's see if he remembers... what year was it when you got your first job?" Violet must have had something to do with that year.

1998 HAHA 1998

Violet started crying tears of joy. "What?" Court asked. "That is also the year I met him. It was the first day of  Grade school I think, and he came to my bus stop. We had the best conversations each day. Until one day, he was driving his kid to the bus stop and then the bus came. The bus hit his car and I didn't know what to do. I was only about 7 years old and I can't believe I let him sit there. So, I hopped in his car to see if he was okay. But he wasn't. I thought he was sleeping so I didn't call for help. I can't believe myself." Violet actually didn't start crying that time, but Courtney kinda did...

"It's okay. As long as you know that he is fine and happy you don't have t think that way. Xavier, were you related to Violet?" NO "Well, are you happy? Is Violet happy?" YES AND YES. Courtney smiled, so did the boys.

"Do you want us to leave and play with another sprit?" Mikey asked. YES. I HAVE TO SAY HI TO SAM. "Oh my god? Sam is gone, too?" Violet asked. "How?" Xavier answered: HEART. Violet said bye and so did Xavier.

They relit the candles and played multiple times until they met one who wasn't too happy. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW. They all screamed and took their hands of but the piece went crazy! It made a million different shapes all at the same time. The board lifted from the ground and shattered into a million pieces. They all ran out of the room, but Courtney stayed as if she was being held back.

She tried to scream but she could only mouth out words. The rest of the group were going up the stairs screaming at Ashton "Get up here! That was freaky and we still can't find out what happened! Let's go!" Calum screamed. "NO! COURTNEY IS STILL DOWN THERE AND SHE CAN'T MOVE!" Ashton screamed at the top of his lungs.

"You can't just go down there! You can get REALLY hurt!" Mikey screamed. "I am goin down there. If she is going to get hurt, why don't I?" Ashton ran downstairs. "Courtney? Are you okay?" Ashton tip-toed towards her. She had her back towards him. "Court?"

"GET OUT!!!!" Courtney jerked around and pued Ashton towards her. She looked him straight i the eye, and just fell. "Court? Are you okay?" Ashton was really concerned. He sat next to her for 10 minutes until she woke up to find Ashton crying with his hand on her heart and saying things like, "I should have just stayed there." and "How could I?" She didn't remember anything, so she thought, am I dead?

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