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" thinks i should be a little cautious "


aurora astor.

"Cannot believe we're fucking doing this shit," Lou mutters and I chuckle at him, sucking in smoke as it fills my lungs and breathing it out to tap the ashes of my cigarette out the crack in the window.

"Just looking, Lou." I remind him, glancing back to see Jules leaning forward in between the two seats as she shakes her head at me.

"For what? It's abandoned, Rory ... you're not going to find shit-" Lou starts and I glare over at him as he drives, hearing the radio lightly play.

"We're just looking," I tell the both of them as Jules smiles at me softly, her left hand laced with Lou's right on the armrest. Hearing Lou's huff, I can practically feel the eye roll off of him.

"It's getting late, we can't stay long." He mutters and I breathe out the tobacco smoke with a deep exhale as I see the south of the city pass by. "And you're fighting this week." Lou reminds me. I breathe out a laugh, hearing Harry's words replay in my head and truly not caring enough or trusting him enough to take the advice.

"Yeah, should be fine," I tell them both as Jules groans at me and my lips curl up as I cough on the smoke a little, laughing at myself.

"Yeah, you can handle this guy," Lou tells me and I hum as I bring the filter up to my lips again to calm my nerves. "Did the research on him ... he lost a few weeks ago to that Styles guy I was telling you about," Lou mutters and my ears perk up at the name, neither of them knowing the apparent stalking and claims to be protecting me and shit.

"You absolutely cannot let yourself get pinned down under him, Rory," Lou mutters as he drives and I breathe out the smoke.

"I won't–" I start, just saying that to say it, and he shakes his head.

"He's twice your size, his form is shit but he can throw some heavy punches that will seriously fuck you up," Lou mutters and I sniffle, running my fingers through my hair.

I go to say something but my ears perk up when something on the radio catches my attention and I sit up, with the burning cigarette in between my fingers, and reach to the volume dial to turn it up. My eyebrows knit together as my friends and I listen to the news.

" ... dark brown hair, brown-eyed female picked up in by a black SUV. Please be on the lookout ... that's Mia Anderson again for you – Mia Anderson.

Moving on, again on the rise we have an increase in drugs across the city. 'Medicine' still a mystery to local police, also known as M, reaching all-time record highs as nearly 40% of college students and their non-college peers use this mysterious drug. Researchers are still trying to figure out what consequences this new drug truly has on the generation using it–"

They continue and Lou changes the station abruptly and I scoff.

"Lou–" I snap and he shakes his head.

"You're not getting shit from that." He snaps and I flick the end of my cigarette out the window as I stare out the front window and my leg starts bouncing.

"He's right, babe." Jules defends him and I scoff a little, shaking my head.

"Honestly, Rory, you could listen to all the shit on the news ... fucking take the drug itself but it isn't going to tell you shit about him," Lou says and I just continue to stare out the window. "We have your back, always, Rory, you know that ... but this lead could be a dead-end again," Lou mutters and I rub at my temples as Jules shushes him but he is just being honest.

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