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" baby, tell me, what's your motive? "


aurora astor.

I've had quite an odd few days, I always feel weird after leaving on bad terms with Harry. I really couldn't care less, it's just a huge mix of emotions when it comes to him. He's just one disarray of feelings at one time – there's wistfulness and attraction and so many damn secrets.

Nonetheless, sleep wasn't my friend last night. I woke up in a panic and peace of mind never came back to me.

But I've made time for something today that's foreign to me: a new friend.

My feet take me across the pavement in the cold, my hood up over my head for warmth with my duffle in hand. I start to walk down the pavement as the wound on my calf radiates in a dull ache from my last fight.

I head down block after block to finally get to the busy corner with the yellow cabs zipping by to gush cold air across my exposed skin. I sniffle a little, feeling the brisk air bite my nose and pulling my nerves together.

I take a second with a deep exhale that forms like a little cloud in front of me where I stand. I eventually stick my hand up into the air to hail a cab. My teeth chew on my bottom lip until it's raw out of nervous habit but my nerves are lessened since cab rides by myself are something I'm becoming more accustomed to – slowly but surely.

One of the yellow cars pulls up to me at the curb, my hand drops before I walk over and slide myself into the car. I quickly tell the driver the said address I'm heading to on this side of the city near the harbor. He nods, pulling away from the curb to begin the gruesome drive that has my leg bouncing as per usual.

We're on to the gym that Mia said we could use today since Lou's gym is occupied at the given moment. I'm taking the time to teach her some basic stuff, knowing it makes me feel stronger so hopefully, it makes her feel the same about herself. Especially after the shit she has been through, I thought she could maybe use a friend at the moment.

The car drives through the city with the dwindling sun whilst I pick at my nail beds as I clutch my duffle on my lap. Every bump or pothole the car seems to hit forces my heart to slam in my chest, especially with the brand new destination and route I'm heading through my city.

Finally, after what felt like too long, the car comes to a stop at this large warehouse.

My eyes glance up and out the window, pushing it open and feeling the gush of cold wind along my face. I shut the door behind me as I clutch my duffle in my hand, the large warehouse-like structure towers over me. The place itself almost gives off an abandoned aura but the few cars parked outside of it give it away.

I just gulp, looking down at my phone to text Mia but before I can say much a figure walks out of the warehouse.

"Rory!" I hear Mia call out a few meters away from me and a soft smile of relief creeps up on my face. I walk over to her, exhaling my nerves in a sharp breath out. I'm greeted by an unexpected hug, crushing me in contradicting gentle arms and I exhale sharply at the force of it.

The paradox cascades over me of how something so suffocating is so comfortingly soft.

"Hi," I mutter back into her own hoodie and she pulls back with a sweet smile on her face, her curls tied up in a messy bun at the top of her head as I meet her amber eyes. "Ready?" I ask in amusement, allowing the temporary happiness way into me for a second and she readily nods at me.

She throws her arm over my shoulder and I laugh under my breath. "How do you know about this place?" I ask her whilst my eyes drift up to the tall building, stepping across the pavement and hearing her softly hum.

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