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You ate quickly and got back into the truck with him not longer after.

His phone rang and he answered it, concern becoming more and more visible on his face.

"Friend of mine caught someone trying to steal my traps again, I gotta go see the damage. You alright to be by yourself today?"

"That's fine," you said, critically looking at your nails. "I still need to unpack."

He sighed. "It's the third time since March."

"I'm sorry people suck," you said, looking out the window and then back at him.

He laughed dryly, rolling down the window to let the breeze in. "I see you kept my humor."

He pulled up to the house and pulled out a spare key from his glovebox.

"Spare key in case I'm not here when you leave."

"Thanks," you smiled.

He nodded and dropped you off at the house and you went inside to start unpacking everything.

Your dad hadn't gotten rid of any of your old clothes. Most of them you hadn't left at his place, but a few tiny shirts and shorts that would never fit you again remained.

You cleared you drawers out and started to organize your clothes the way you liked, listening to your favorite show/podcast/music in the background.

A faint knocking noise could be heard from outside of your room and your heart began to race. You grabbed your phone and followed the sound to the front of the door. The knocking had momentarily stopped, and then started again once you got closer.

You cautiously looked through the peephole to see John B standing at your doorway.

You opened the door with an annoyed yet amused smirk.

"Scared the shit out of me, you're lucky we've got that peephole."

He laughed nervously. "Sorry. Is your dad home?"

"I shouldn't answer that truthfully to a stranger, should I?"

His lips curled back into a smile and you returned it.

"His truck isn't here, so I'm gonna take that as a no. Sorry for bothering you again, but I was in the area and thought you might be bored."

"Kind of, I guess. I'm just unpacking."

He nodded. "You want to hang out for a bit before the party? Gotta make the best of each day."

You laughed, leaning against the door frame. "Sure, let me go get dressed. You can come in if you'd like."

He opted to wait outside and you hurriedly put on a bathing suit underneath a T-shirt and some comfortable shorts.

You grabbed your wallet and keys and met John B outside where his friends were waiting in the car.

It was a large, beat up but cool-looking rustic Volkswagen, specifically a 70s van.

"That's a cool car," you laughed quietly.

"We call her Twinkie," he smiled, walking you to her doors.

You climbed inside to be met with the three friends from the restaurant.

"Y/n, this is Pope, Kiara, and JJ. Guys, this is y/n. We were like best friends when we were super little."

They all waved at you warmly except for Kiara, who seemed a little annoyed. She was the only girl, and maybe she didn't want to share that position just yet.

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