first love story?

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Hello!! Author here. I can't believe we hit 500 reads! Thank you guys so much. Really

- Author

Laura POV 

I decided too meet up with Jack today, somewhere in a park again. Falling in loving dreams, fucking kissing booth at the same time. I can't decide, wether he should be mine or I shouldn't be blinded by his eyes. For gods sake Laura, stop being such a simp and shit. One day I just wanna hear myself say, "I like you." 

Like a scene for myself.

Jack POV

I went too a nearby place near Laura so she could drive quickly. I wonder what she is thinking right now too be honest, I saw a car pull up by the park and I walked up too the car and opened the door. "Hey Laura!"  I spoke too the brown haired girl with a slight accent "hey Jack! Come in, come in"  she spoke too me with a bright smile, ah that girl always has a way too a heart. Really, that was such a fucking corny thing too say Jack. Think better please, just not anything like that. I spoke too Laura when I went inside the car, "this is a very nice car. I like it"  I said too her as a nice compliment too get a conversation, "oh really? Thanks Jack. I didn't really like the color much but I got used too it after some months of having this car"  she said facing me while readying up her car, "where too?"  Laura asked me.  "Mind if you wanna go too my house? I've got a couple of things I have too do today."  I asked her, "sure! No problem"  she said back answering my question. She then speeded off "what the fuck! Slow down"  I yelled. "You're house is like 50 minutes away Jack, please. Just watch"  Laura spoke making me just look at the road and not say anything. 


After a couple of minutes probably like 19 minutes long drive we finally arrived too my house. I asked Laura if she wanted to do a stream with me inside my room, she gladly accept and we both ran upstairs. I started the stream, "hello everyone! Welcome too the stream too those who just joined. This here is my friend Laura everybody! Say hi in chat"  I spoke looking at the screen while Laura was waving. "Hello everyone, I'm Laura."  She immediately spoke too the camera, 

yuhitsjandel : hi Laura! :heart: 


"Chat, chat calm down please."  I spoke too the 54k people in my stream.  "Laura! How about you go talk too chat while I go outside for a bit too get something?"  Laura looked back at me "sure! You can go, no problems here."  I walked off waving and walking out my room too go get snacks for us while she sleeps over. Shit, who is calling me now?


Hey hey! Author here, sorry for the short chapter again ! got some writers block and couldn't think. ALSO! I just saw we had 700 reads already! So close too 1k reads! ILY GUYS! TAKE CARE

 𝐢𝐥𝐲, 𝐥𝐨𝐥 | Jack Manifold FFWhere stories live. Discover now