Chapter 11 - CMO's Yeoman

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Anja had watched Grace getting ready and doing herself up, while she was still snuggled up under the blanket not being in a rush.

“Don’t you need to get up?” Grace had asked.

“Hmm?” Anja mumbled before Grace decided to walk over to her and pull the blanket off.

“Come on!” she said and went back to the mirror to do her hair.

Anja sighed. She looked at the clock on the wall, she would have to be in Sickbay in about 30 minutes.

'30 MINUTES!' she shouted at herself in her mind and quickly jumped up, ran to the bathroom, had the fastest shower ever and got dressed. After finally convincing the Captain, they had decided she would be allowed to wear the blue dress, only because she would be working in sickbay...which she was relieved about.

She brushed through her hair and put it up in a messy bun, her bangs neatly laying on her forehead. She then put just a little bit of makeup on and within 20 minutes, she was ready.

As she stepped into the room, she saw Grace doing her power poses and started laughing.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Nothing!” Grace replied and blushed. “Come on, we should go.”

They wished each other a great day and then Grace went one way and Anja the other, off to begin the life of a Yeoman on the Enterprise.

At exactly 0700 hours, Anja walked into sickbay and saw the doctor at some preparation table.

“Good Morning, Doctor McCoy.” she greeted him.

McCoy turned around and gave her a small smile.

“Good Morning, Anja. Would you mind helping me fill these tubes?” he asked. Anja walked around the table and started filling some liquid into the small tubes when the head nurse, Christine Chapel walked in. Anja, for some reason, had never liked her in the TV series and apparently the Nurse didn’t take to her either. 

“Doctor, a word?” she said to McCoy, and both of them walked into another part of sickbay. Unfortunately for them, Anja had very good hearing and could hear them perfectly.

“Doctor, do you think it wise of the Captain to let someone completely unknown to us work with our medicine and deal with our ‘paperwork’?” she said, trying to talk low.

“Miss Chapel, I have complete confidence in our Captain’s judgement. I, myself, have had the opportunity to spend a few hours with Miss Ullmann and she seems completely trustworthy. I recommend, Nurse, you try and get to know her.”

Anja blushed, hearing the Doctor defending her, making her heart flutter.

“Not meaning any disrespect Doctor, but it seems to me those girls have you all wrapped around their little fingers.” Nurse Chapel snapped. “I don’t feel very well, I'm going to go and rest for the remainder of the day.”

She didn’t even wait for consent to be relieved of duty and just stormed past Anja.

McCoy walked back to where Anja stood, her cheeks rosy, mouth slightly agape.

“You heard it all?” he asked awkwardly, walking around the table to stand right next to her. Anja nodded. He sighed loudly and rolled his eyes.

“Don’t mind Nurse Chapel, she will get used to this...she has to.” He awkwardly patted Anja’s shoulder and left for his office, while Anja finished filling the test tubes and other things, which the Doctor always needed at the ready.

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