Getting captured

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Scarlet was out on her own, after convincing her twin and Ratchet and Optimus she'd be fine for a little while on her own. Bee was needed for Raf so he couldn't join her, not that she was upset she adored the small boy. She loved all three of the human children.

She was so caught up in driving she didn't see a jet above her. Until a laser shot hit her making her flip transforming back to bot mode she rolled on the rough ground.

"Oooowww....Soundwave? What do you want?" She asked.

"Megatrons voice: bring back that femme! I want that femme alive!" The voice clip ended.

"Megatron wants me? Why?" Scarlet asked standing in a fight stance.

"Lord Megatron: has plans for Scarlet" Soundwave said.

"Plans huh? Lemme guess, he's looking for a queen? Oh oh maybe a youngling to adopt?" She laughed.

Soundwave remained quiet as the femme mocked his master. Then when she wasn't expecting anything, Soundwave charged her.

The two fought for a good five minutes before the fight ended. One frame stood as the other fell, out cold from getting hit just right.

"Scarlet: secure" Soundwave said as he picked her unconscious frame up.

Just as he closed his ground bridge, another opened up. Bee came rushing out with Ratchet and Optimus. They looked around seeing the fight that took place. But no one was around.

Bee looked everywhere, calling out for his twin. His twin who never called back or gave any indication she was there.

"Maybe she rushed off" Ratchet said.

"Maybe....whoever she fought, they were fighting for sometime" Optimus said.

:we can track her right? Right?!: Bee asked.

"I don't know" Ratchet said with a frown.


Knockout was fixing the femme up the best he could. Touching up her paint as he was at it. Megatron had plans for the femme. One he didn't agree with, one that made him want to help get her off the ship , but he couldn't do that without them being killed.

"Poor Scarlet....I'm sorry you got dragged here" he said soft.

"It's you know what buckethelm wants with me?" Scarlet asked half awake.

"Well...he wants to make you his adopted child, how I don't know" Knockout said.

"...adopted child? if" she smiled.

Knockout smiled and patted her shoulder. Putting her back under. Just as he did Megatron and Shockwave came in. Knockout bowed and moved to the side.

Shockwave walked up to the femme and injected her with some serum of some kind. And putting a memory blocker chip in her helm.

"Will that fall out?" Megatron asked.

"Negative Lord Megatron, the only way it can come out is to remove it personally, or if she gets her helm cracked open where the chip sits" the one optic mech said.

"Good...Jan her memories of ever being with the autobots, and alter her memories before she wakes up" Megatron said leaving.

Shockwave nodded and got to work on the terminal. Knockout stood silent by the wall. Watching his old friend who was undergoing all of this without knowing it. He frowned as he walked away, not being able to watch any longer.

"I can't believe he's doing this" he whispered.

(Time skip)

Scarlet woke up, her optics were still blue. But tinted with some purple. She rubbed her helm and saw Shockwave watching her. She frowned at him and crossed her arms.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"How are you feeling princess?" He asked.

"Fine, what happened to me?" She asked.

"The autobots had you in stasis for a long time, it was thanks to Soundwave you were retuned safely to us" Shockwave lied.

"Really?....well that explains why I don't remember much...and where is father?" Scarlet asked.

"In the command deck. Go and see him" Shockeave shooed her out.

As scarlet walked the halls, the Vehicons watched her, none said a word. But they did continue to watch her. She shrugged off their behaviour and kept walking.

"I just realized I have no clue where I'm going" she frowned.

"Scarlet?!" A sharp voice gasped behind her.

"Starscream! I can't believe it's you" she said hugging the jumpy seeker.

"What are you do-Soundwave?" Starscream nodded at the mech.

"Starscream: shift has started ten minutes ago, Scarlet: Lord Megatron is waiting to see you" the silent mech said.

"Yes of course, it's rude to keep father waiting" Scarlet nodded walking ahead of the mechs.

"Father? Care to tell me what's going on?" Starscream asked.

(Command deck)

Megatron turned to see the femme walk in, helm low as if she was troubled by something. He smirked as he turned fully to face her. He saw Starscream finally show up and go to his station. Soundwave returned for his.

"Scarlet, my child...I'm so glad you've been returned to us" Megatron said.

"Glad to be back father" Scarlet said with a smile.

"I was worried I'd never see you again....I'm glad the autobots haven't hurt you" Megatron smirked as she welcomed the femme up beside him.

"Yes I guess I got lucky, how long was I away for? I don't hardly remember anything recent" she asked.

"Far to long, don't worry about anything recent, your safe now" he said trying to sound convincing.

"Alright, I trust you" she said as she watched him nod.

She watched Knockout walk in with a data pad in his servo. He gave it to Megatron, bowed and left. She watched him leave with such a sad look on His face.
She remembered him clearly, he helped protect her when the war got bad. And tried to help her off the planet but they were separated.

Then she remembered some seekers helping her but that was it. She remembered nothing else. She frowned as she tried to think what else happened. But she noticed it made her helm hurt.

"Father?" She asked.

"Hm?" He looked at her.

"What happened to carrier? Did I have any siblings?" She asked.

"Your carrier died in the war back on Cybertron, the autobots killed for siblings, you were our only child" he said.

"Oh...ok..." she said with a small nod.

"Master, shall I take princess Scarlet to her room?" Starscream asked.

"....Yes, and stand guard at her door. Her room is beside mine" Megatron said.

"Yes Lord Megatron" the seeker said taking the femme by the servo.

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