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Scarlet sat at a booth with a cube of energon in her servos. She frowned as she thought over so much, the words Knockout said during that battle had her stumped. She knew he wouldn't lie to her, he was her best friend. Frowning she got up and went to go see Knockout.

As she walked she watched the Vehicons watching her. Her frown deepened as she kept walking. She saw the doors to the med bay and heard two bots talking.

"It's to Dan ergo us Knockout! Megatron would have your helm!" Starscream said from inside.

"I don't really care, I'd happily offline if it meant her freedom!" Knockout snapped.

Scarlet was wide optic at that. Why would he say that?.

"Knockout think....Soundwave is always watching, there's no way to help her. Not without being caught" Starscream said.

"THEN HOW DO WE HELP HER?!" Knockout screamed.

"Calming down for one..." Starscream sighed.

"Guys" Scarlet said as she entered the med bay.

"Scarlet!" They both gasped.

"I heard I have one question" she said.

"W-what would that be?" Knockout asked.

"Can you remove this so called chip?" She asked.

"I can...and I can reverse what Shockeave did to you" Knockout said.

"Good...then do it please" she said laying on a berth.

"Uh right..excuse me Star" Knockout said.

(Time skip)

Scarlet groaned as she woke up, she blinked her optics as she looked around. The med bay was dark, so that told her everyone must be in recharge. Or just out. She sat up and rubbed her helm, now being able to think properly without pain she had to get away.

She walked through the halls and stayed in the shadows. She heard walking and began to panic. Looking for a place to hide she didn't see anything. With her back turned towards the sound she didn't see who turned the corner until they spun her around.

"What are you doing?! You should be resting" Knockout said.

"I need to get out of here...I have to get back to Bee" Scarlet said.

"If Megatron catches on he will freak. And I will be finished" Knockout said.

"I can't stay here all my life, I have to get home" Scarlet said with sad optics.

"I know Scarlet, trust me...I know. But just wait a little bit ok? I'll help you get home, for now just pretend like you still have the chip in your helm" Knockout said as he guided her back to the med bay.

"Alright" she nodded laying back down.

(Next day)

The Decepticons were down at a mine, it wasn't large, but it wasn't small. Scarlet and Knockout stood by a wall, watching the Vehicons work, Starscream walked over to them and nodded. The three making their way outside. Megatron saw them going out and decided to follow.

"Finally....I hate those caves" Starscream said.

"It must be difficult to do underground work, why not ask our lord if he would allow you to stay in the open?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah right" Starscream laughed.

"What was that?" Knockout asked looking away from the two.

"The autobots" scarlet said, pretending to be annoyed.

"Optimus how kind of you to show" Megatron said as he walked out of the cave.

"Megatron, give scarlet back to us" Optimus said.

"Just the femme? You don't want the energon?" Megatron asked.

"My main importance is scarlet" Optimus said.

"Your welcome to try and get her back" Megatron as he called his army to attack.

Scarlet stayed with knockout while Starscream would try to get close to Optimus. He made sure he rushed out so he could get to prime first, Optimus went to throw a punch but starscream never moved.

"Starscream? What is the meaning of this?" Optimus asked.

"Sh! Scarlet is free, she's pretending to still be under his control....knockout will sneak her over" Starscream said as he rush away.

Knockout saw Bumblebee with five vehicons, he rushed over. Hitting one with his saw, scarlet easily took out three, bumblebee took out the last one. He looked at knockout and scarlet, scarlet smiled at Kncokout, then walked over to her brother.

Bumblebee was so overjoyed, he grabbed scarlet in a big hug. Refusing to let her go. Scarlet laughed as she smiled fondly at her brother. Optimus rushed up to them, having Starscream lifted onto his shoulder and then grabbed knockout.

"What the? Hey!" Knockout gasped.

"Let me go!" Starscream demanded.

"PRRIIIIIIIIIIIMMME!" Megatron roared once he saw he took his seeker and medic.


Knockout and Starscream sat huddled in a corner, Arcee glaring at them. Scarlet happily sitting with them. Bumblebee joining them, and was told everything.

:thank you for protecting my sister: bee said.

"It was nothing, just helping a friend" knockout said.

"Dont sound so excited" scarlet joked.

"Sorry if I'm terrified out of my mind" knockout said with a small smirk.

"Knockout, Starscream...I would like to offer you both a place here with us, you helped scarlet escape, and fought your own men" Optimus said.

"Tempting, but would this one let us walk around?" Starscream asked.

"So long as you don't pose a threat, then your fine" Arcee huffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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