Chapter 10

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3 years ago...

They were close. So damn close.

The oilman was going to crack soon. David knew it. Liam knew it, Killian knew it, hell the entire police department knew it.

It was a typical Texas murder.

Rich oilman cheats on his wife. Wife finds out and threatens divorce. Wife suddenly gets murdered on the terrace of their mansion. Since the husband was conveniently in New York with his mistress at the time and nothing in the huge mansion had been tampered with or stolen, the case reeked of a murder-for-hire.

The scene had Cassidy written all over it, but they couldn't link him to the husband. Liam was close to prying the truth out of him, though.

David had confidence in his partner. Not only did he love Liam like a brother, but he knew Liam was the best detective in the whole damn town. In fact, probably all of Texas.

Storybrooke was lucky to have him. Ever since he and David started attending the same police academy, David knew Liam would do great things. He knew Liam was going to make the world a better place by getting rid of scum like Cassidy. And not just scum like him, but he was going to get rid of Cassidy. For good.

He was sure of it.

David left his office for the night, exhausted and ready to go home to his wife and two sons. Though he had yet to meet his youngest son, he already loved him so damn much.

He pulled out his phone and called Mary Margaret. "Hey, sweetie, how's my beautiful, lovely, amazing wife?" he asked cheerfully, trying to disguise how exhausted he was from a long day at work.

"Ready to get this baby out of me. He's been kicking my insides so much, I think he's ready to go, too," she laughs.

She's seven months pregnant, and he is so excited to have another son. A daughter would've been great, too, but maybe someday they'll try for another baby.

He smiles. "I can't wait to meet our little guy, but we still have two months. Tell him to be patient, okay?"

"I'll try, but you know our younger son. He's not even born yet and already doesn't like to listen to his mommy."

David chuckles and hears his wife murmur in her baby voice.

"Did you hear that? Daddy says to stay in there for a little while, okay?" Her voice returns to normal, and he can tell she's speaking to him directly again. "Are you coming home, soon?"

"Yeah, I'm just leaving the office now. Can I get you or Leo anything on my way home?"

"Oooh, actually, yes. I would kill for some Ben & Jerry's right now. And I'm sure Leo would love some after dinner."

"Okay, a carton of Cinnamon and Chocolate chip, and one carton of Superman ice cream it is," he chuckles just as he exits the building and reaches the parking lot.

His brows furrow when he sees Liam's car. He thought his partner was already home by now.

"Alright, I'll be home, soon. Love you, sweetheart."

"Love you, too, babe."

He slips his phone into his pocket and cautiously approaches the car. Liam is just sitting in the driver's seat, staring straight ahead at the windshield.

David opens the driver's seat door. "Hey, man, I thought you left already. Elsa's probably getting worried about you. You've been working way too damn much," he teases playfully as he thumps Liam on the shoulder.

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