chapter 30

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Suho: you are......DOHYUNG?
???: yep. Nice meeting you.
Sehun: woah. You came all the way from india?
DH: hehe..yeah. anyways where is y/n?
Chen: she is in her room. This way.

I couldnt believe that he came.
I cant afford to see them both clingy and stuffs.


I was having soup and talkin with d.o hyung. That's when someone knocked my door.
Me: Yes?
That person entered was DOHYUNG!

DH: um..I know you are on you I came to comfort you.

I went next to him and gave a hug.

Me: what about your shooting?
DH: its over.
Sehun: what do i see here. Looks like you guys are married.
Me: haha


What the....why is he here....why are they hugging...MARRIED COUPLE!? Sehun  are u crazy!?!
Why the hell do I have to see them both so touchy....ugh!


When I saw him I was angry and sad. Y/n treats him differently. I want to be treated like that...

Baekhyun POV

I came back from the convenient was so cold out...
I said
Y/n! I've got you some dar-

Huh....isnt he...dohyung?

DH:hello. I'm dohyung. Nice meeting you *offers a shakehand*

Me: uh...baekhyun..

He is handsome..and tall. Why is y/n holding onto his hand?

Y/n! Here ur chocolates.
I took her hands from him and gave the chocolates.
Y/n: thanks!

I directly went to the washroom.
I looked myself at the mirror.
Do I look bad? I'm good ryt? I'm...also not so short...I'm the tallest in CBX!

I went out of the washroom. I saw him giving medicines to y/n.
They were chit chatting.
Dohyung is really getting on my nerves...
I went and kept the chocolates at the fridge.


We were surprised seeing him over here in Korea.
Suho: dont you think d.o changed suddenly when he came in?
Chen: Baekhyun too..
Me: really? I noticed chanyeol...he was pissed off when he saw him.
Lay: wtf is happening....
Me: *sighs* let's wait and see yixing.

Dohyung: um...I'll leave then.
Y/n: so where u gona stay?
Dohyung: oh well. Maybe I'll reserve a hotel for 3 days.
Y/n: u gonna go after 3 days?
Dohyung: yep. I just came to give ur things that u use during ur days.
Y/n: thankyouuu~
Dohyung: it was nice meeting you guys. I'll leave now. Bye!
Me: nice meeting you too. Do make a visit before you go too. *smiles*


I was boiling head was like kept in hot water. I was so irritated.
After a while me and out member s went to the practise room. We asked y/n to take rest.


Phew....the choreo is so hard...I bet monster is nothing compared to this.
Suho: oh yeah...i dont think we can dance continuously 2 times...
Kai: I look like I took a shower with clothes on.
D.o: hehe...exols will love you more after the dance...
Kai: why?
D.o: look at yourself..ur shirt sticks on ur abs after being sweaty.
Me: hahaha. By the way...why arent you talking chanyeol?
Chanyeol: mm?
Me: are you thinking about y/n?
Chanyeol: yeah...
Sehun: hope she will keep in touch with us.
Y/n: what are you guys talking about?
D.o: how's your pain? Is it better? You want something to drink?
Y/n: I'm all good.

After a few days

Dohyung was about to leave so he visited exo and y/n in the practise room.
Y/n: ey. You gotta really go?
DH: afcourse . I should. Guys! *hugs exo* see you guys soon.
Y/n: when is ur flight?
DH: 4.50pm. Anyways dont be scared about me or about her. She wont do anything...I promise..u r a brave girl.
Y/n: *smiles* I WILL!
DH: ok then. Bye. *flying kiss*

Sehun POV

I noticed kai hyung's face when y/n and dohyung are close. ESPECIALLY when he gave her a flying kiss.
Me: suho hyung...kai hyung is so disturbed by dohyung.
Suho: yes he is.
Kai: dont u guys think that the flying kiss is too much?
Me: are they a secret couple? *winks at suho*
Suho: oh yeah maybe. *evil smile*
Y/n: guys! Practise time!

No one's POV

After a week exo has been all set for their ot9 comeback (I know exols...let the dream be a reality over here🥺)
Y/n: I'm still impressed by ur new song.
Exo: thankyou y/n.
D.o: just 2 more days guys...
Sehun: hope exols will love it.
Y/n: ask me. I'm an exol.
Kai:*giggles* you are? Since when?
Y/n: after the trip I started hearing ur songs.
Chanyeol: anyways..I'm gonna grab some drinks. Anyone want anything?
               *Phone rings*
Chen: y/n....why are you trembling?
Y/n: nothing. I'll go to the washroom.


Phone line: I heard that exo is having a comeback on 6th August...are you sure that they gonna be okay? *evil laugh*
Me: ....w-what...who told you?
Phone: are you surprised? Aw...there are more surprises left my dear y/n..anyways...I hope you can protect ur friends...
Me: d-dont do anything to them.
Phone: oops...I will...bye. oh! Wait...just call dohyung to see if he is fine.
               *call ended*

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