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The boys greet us with "There they are", "Took you long enough" and "Why did it take so long to get ready?". I roll my eyes, "Yes, you all look quite charming yourselves too." I say sarcastically.
Lewis sneaks behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder which startles me, "Sorry ma'am, you look utterly astonishing. Now that I have complimented your outfit as you wanted, go hang up those lights over there so that you have at least done something."

I swish and flick to make the string lights levitate and put them in place. "That was easily done, is there anything else I can do?" I ask. "No Wilson, the boys and I have already done all the work. Come a little earlier next time, will you?" Draco says, visibly bothered.

I decide to just ignore him. "So, who have you actually all invited?" Quinn queries. "Well Blaise here found it needy to invite all the Slytherins, and they will most definitely bring friends from other houses too, so expect a lot of people," Draco answers in a rather friendly tone to my surprise.

"I just hope he didn't invite the first-years, they kind of ruin the ambience," Quinn tells him. "No, they'll most likely be in their beds already," Theo answers. Theo stands up to straighten the shirt that he is wearing, it is a bit wrinkled from all the work that he has done. As I look around to admire the atmospheric room that the boys have turned our common room into, it strikes me that Blaise is not there any more, while he still was there five minutes ago.

"Hey, where's Blaise gone off to?" I ask while taking a seat in one of the big black chesterfields in front of the fire. Out of nowhere, Draco takes place next to me, "Off stealing some Firewhiskey out of the kitchens I suppose." He starts, "missing him already, Amelie? I'll have to disappoint you, sweetheart, I think he has a sort of fling with Daphne."
I let out a grin, "No Malfoy, I was just wondering where he was." He responds with an 'mhm' and there lingers a silence for a bit. "Since when do they have Firewhiskey in the kitchens?" I wonder out loud. "They don't." Draco shortly replies. "Then why is Blaise grabbing Firewhiskey from the kitchens?"

"Merlin's ball sack, Wilson, why are you so stupid," Draco says irritated, "There are house elves inside there you know, if you know how to handle those, they'll do anything for you. Just treat them right." I knew that the Hogwarts house-elves were quite accommodating, but I never expected that they would get you alcohol. "Right, I knew that," I say. "Of course, you did" Draco replies while rolling his eyes.

Blaise comes in at that very same moment with a wide grin on his face. "I've got the good stuff lads! Darby or something fixed me 84 bottles of Firewhiskey so that should do." Blaise is levitating 14 big boxes filled with 6 bottles of Ogden's old Firewhiskey each. "Nice mate," Lewis says. he and Blaise both patted each other on the back like they regularly do.

"Shame that elf served you Ogden's, Bilshen's is much better. Anyway, it's better than none." Draco says. He needs to give his opinion on every matter of course. "Girls, will you place these bottles where they have to go, please?" Theo asks. "Because you asked so nicely" Quinn and me reply. Six of those bottles appear to be a lot heavier than we'd expected, and the boys burst out laughing when we attempt to carry them like Blaise did. How did he even carry 84 bottles? I suspect a lightning charm. Anyway, we resort to our magic to carry out our task.


The party had finally begun, and there was very little of the common room left to see through the big crowd that had formed inside of it. The air thickened of all the people's breath and smelled like sweat and alcohol, not a pleasing combination but in some way familiar. Theo turned out to be right, there were in fact no first years, but I doubt that they were sleeping given that the music in the common room was pretty loud.

There had been a discussion earlier caused by no other than Draco Malfoy because a few Gryffindors had wanted to enter, and he didn't want that, of course. Blaise had given him some more Firewhiskey and after that Draco did not care about the Gryffindors any more.

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