: The Wedding

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Gwen carefully pulled the gown over Morgana’s head. It was a weighty thing, but gorgeous. As the fabric fell into place she began to lace up the back. It was a complicated bit of tying so that it would be hidden under the folds in the train of the dress. Fortunately it wasn’t a large train, mainly to add shape to the skirts really, but it served it’s purpose well.

“Oh it’s perfect.” Queen Mary exclaimed stepping forward and patting Morgana’s cheek. “You look radiant.”

She smiled proudly. “You really do m’lady.”

Morgana reached out and caught her hand. “Thank you, both of you.”

“Well come now, we have to get your hair and face done, and the jewelry!” Mary bubbled as she pulled Morgana towards the chair by her vanity.

Gwen moved and picked up the hairbrush and moved behind Morgana and began to brush out her long dark locks. Her fingers worked the pearl net into the hair. Picking up a circlet of silver and pearl she carefully set it along her head, it was almost a crown, the metal had been delicately hammered into the shape of leaves. Looking up from her work she caught sight of the queen of Nemeth who was drawing charcoal along Morgana’s eyes.

Mary smiled. “She’s lovely isn’t she Gwen?”

It took a second to realize the queen of an entire foreign nation knew her name. “Yes,” squeezing Morgana’s shoulder she stepped back. “You’re so beautiful m’lady.”

“You two are ridiculous.” Morgana said as her eyes fluttered open as Mary pulled back, there was a fond curl to her lips though.

Mary clapped her hands happily. “Oh this is so exciting. This wedding is going to be wonderful.” The queen held Morgana’s hand, smiling warmly at her. “You’ll be a part of our family by the end of the day.”

Morgana reached out catching Gwen’s hand as well. “Thank you for being with me for this day.”

“Of course.” Gwen shot a quick glance at the queen and just decided to go for it. “I’m so happy for you Morgana.” Stepping forward she hugged, carefully so as not to mess up her clothing or makeup. She felt herself tearing up as she hugged her friend. “So happy.”

Morgana made a choked sound. “You’re going to make me cry.”

“No crying!” Mary fretted from the side. “We just finished your face!”


Karac was jittery as they felt their shoulders being brushed off. “Do I look alright?”

“You look appropriate my lord.” George replied with his usual brimming enthusiasm for his duty.

They flexed their fingers before reaching up and brushing their hair behind one ear. It was just...marriage. They were getting married, it shouldn’t be this nerve wrecking, Morgana was already their mate. The ceremony changed nothing as far as their commitment. But it would be official, everyone would know. Uther could never touch her again. Karac’s hands clenched tightly at the thought of the foul man. No this was important for protecting Morgana, for society.

Mithian made a sound of amusement. “You’re brooding, it doesn’t suit you.”

Karac huffed moving their arms, testing the motion allowed by the jacket’s heavy fabric. “You brood more than I do.”

“But I do it gracefully, you just pout with sad puppy eyes.” Mithian replied easily while standing from the chair she’d been observing them get dressed. “Now I believe it’s time for the cloak and cord of your new office as Baron of Gedref.”

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